Chapter 32- Final

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"Have you mastered the spell?" you turned at Lindel's question.

"Hai!!" Standing next to the lake, you closed your eyes, and he was more than a little astonished when he saw the large wave of water that slowly started rising from the lake. It twirled around in a circle, making a number of different patterns in the air, and he could see you grinning, eyes still closed.

"Incredible, my hope that she would take a few days to even get down the general concept. But she's managed to manipulate the water in nothing short of a few hours. Her magic is growing faster than I expected." All seemed well until he saw the water make a very strange pattern, your eyes opened and all at once it splashed right over your head. He laughed at your drenched form.

"What were you trying to make that broke your focus?" you puffed your cheeks out.

"I was trying to make a dragon, almost had it too."

"I suppose there is still much that she needs to learn."

Lindel smiled. "There's no helping it then."

So you kept at it, you were determined to make a dragon, even if you got soaked continuously.


"That baka."

You were blushing at the marks all over your body. Earlier that day you hadn't even paid them any mind, that was until the hatchlings started asking questions. How were you supposed to tell them they were given by their caretaker. Those pure little hatchlings. So innocent. You sighed, placing a hand to the bruise on your neck. Just remembering it had your heart racing. Every fleeting touch, heartfelt word, it stayed with you.

You still remember the first moment you laid eyes on him. Back then you barely even acknowledged him. You didn't want to. You felt like your world was coming apart, and you thought by keeping everyone else at a distance, it would save you from losing anyone else and getting hurt. You should have thanked Rahab. She was the one who insisted that you stayed with him. Train under him. Although you were reluctant to leave her side, being with him made you stronger.


You understood his need to make you wait until you were older, but a part of you would always question it. You couldn't imagine being with anyone but him, and you guessed you were grateful that he told you about how serious dragons took that ritual. It wasn't something he wanted you to feel obligated to do solely for him. It wasn't just that either. Cartaphilus was still out there. So much was still uncertain in your life. All you knew is that you loved your life now. Never in your life did you imagine being this happy. Being here with Lindel and the hatchlings, they felt like your very own family. You'd lost so much, but it seemed with all that was taken, you gained that much more. How did you manage to get so lucky?

"(Y/N)?" your eyes drifted, and Lindel was just staring at you curiously.

"Are you alright?" you nod with a smile. "Hai, why do you ask?" He pointed at your necklace, and you flushed when you realized not only was the pendant glowing, but also your body. He lifted his palm, and there was a similar glow wrapped around his wrists.

"It seems I underestimated just how much magic you're able to harness in the pendant. It's starting to reflect off of me."

"A-Ah! Gomenasai!"

"There's no need to apologize. My hope was that this would connect us, that way if you were ever out of sight or in danger, I'd always be there for you." your eyes shook at his words. He stepped closer, taking your hands in his.

"(Y/N), it isn't certain how long we'll have together, but I want you to always know that I'm here when you need me. You're just as much a family to me as these dragons. We are one. You rely on me as a master, lover, friend, and in return, I lean on you the same way. " He linked his fingers with your own, and you could see the light around your body growing brighter. You were trying your hardest not to cry at his beautiful words.

"That necklace bonds us, but our love, that's what will keep us (Y/N). Now and forever." your lower lip was quivering and you jumped into his arms, holding unto him for dear life.

"I LOVE YOU LINDEL-SAMA!!" he smiled, running his hand over your back.

"I love you too (Y/N)."

Now and Forever. 

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