Chapter 12

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Your brows were furrowed, feeling the soft blow of wind against your face.

"Lindel-sama close the tent!!" you whined. When your eyes opened you were shock to see you were lying in an open field.

"What..." you sat up wiping your face.

"You're still an air head (Y/N)-chan." your breath hitched at the voice behind you. You turned slowly, eyes widening. "Ki...miko..." Her blue waist length locks were flowing in the wind as she smiled at you. 

"It's been a while! I was starting to think you forgot about me." Your eyes watered, a few droplets spilling against your will. You took hesitant steps forward, hands reaching out to touch her. Sapphire eyes stared at you a bit sadden. When your hands touched her shoulder, it started to glow. You panicked when her body slowly started to fade.

"W-Wait!" you dashed forward to grab a hold of her, but she disappeared almost immediately on impact.

"I don't blame you (Y/N)- chan...."

Your body jolted as you sprung up into the air. You panted unsteadily, hand moving to your chest.

"It was...a dream..?" you clenched your shirt a bit tighter, biting down on your lip.

"Are you ready to discuss it." you shrieked, just realizing Lindel was sleeping just a couple feet away. You glared pointing at him angrily. "B-BAKA!! DON'T DO THAT!!" you were fuming.

"Oh? Did I scared you?" he had a mischievous smirk on his lips as he chuckled.

You sweatdropped. "Cheeky bastard."

You sighed, pushing the sheets off your legs as you stood. Lindel's eyes turned serious.

"(Y/N)-san, you have to confront this issue, it's hindering your magic." you turned with a raised eyebrow to question him. Your words stopped short when you finally took a good look at the tent. The material around you had been torn in various areas. A large crystal had emerged from where the fire once was. It expanded, shooting out towards the top, ripping through cloth of the tent. Your eyes shook. "I-I did that..." Lindel nodded, standing to his feet.

"Your magic seems to be materializing through your emotions, it reminds me an awful lot like Chise-san." You looked away. "Gomen." you mumbled under your breath. He shook his head. 

"It's not within your control however, you keep avoiding it in hopes that it will go away. Are you going to talk about what happened with Kimiko. You heart felt like it was being clenched painfully. Lindel watched, waiting for you to speak. His eyes focused when your body started to glow. 

 Golden sparks emitted from your skin, making you panic. "W-What's happening!?!" you cried in fright. You kept looking at your hands frantically, breathing getting a bit heavy. 

When you looked up Lindel was standing before you with his staff in hand. He was still in the blue robes he'd slept in, the dark material blowing delicately with the wind. His hair swayed in a majestic manner, blue eyes almost glowing. He placed his hand on your forehead pushing back your bangs. You wanted to pull away from the unexpected touch but...his hand felt so warm. 

His eyes connected with your own. You never noticed just how beautiful his eyes were before now. The slit in his irises were so prominent. You gazed at him, body still. 

"You have incredible power, you just need a filter. You have endured so much in such a short span of time. Stop letting your past negate your actions." you took in his words, body calming  down. Lindel smiled when you closed your eyes, leveling out your breathing. 

When your eyes reopened, you were still glowing. 

"NANI!!! WHY THE HELL AM I STILL GLOWING!!"you demanded. Lindel chuckled. "Don't worry, you just released a little to much magic at once. Your body needs time so it can revert back to normal." His statement calmed you a little. Lindel removed his hand. 

Unconsciously, a look of disappointment crossed your features. You should have been happy he was no longer invading your personal space but, his hand made you feel safe. Lindel caught the expression, a bit confused. 

"She looks a bit sulky now..."

"Is something wrong?" you blinked at his question, shaking your head vigorously. 

"N-NO!" you squeaked. without another word you bolted out of the torn up tent. Lindel just stared at your retreating form.

"Humans will always be a mystery to me."

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