Chapter 9

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Six Months Later

"Rahab-sama!!" you whined childishly. Rahab giggled patting you on the head. "Don't worry so much, I know what I'm doing. Lindel is an apprentice of mine, just like you. I'm sure the both of you will get along fine." You grumbled puffing out your cheeks. "I don't want to stay with anyone else but you Rahab-sama." you argued turning with a frown. She smiled softly giving a nod of understanding. She kneeled before placing her hands on your shoulders turning you.

The both of you had been travelling for what felt like years now. So much had happened since your encounter with cartaphilus. When Rahab found you, you had been on the verge of death. You were forever grateful to her, since then the both of you had never parted. Not until now at least. She had dragged you to Iceland, going on about someone named Lindel. You kept your feet grounded, face turned stubbornly.

"You may not realize it now, but you're a very gifted mage. I know you've had a tough run in life (Y/N)." you averted your gaze. "You need to trust others again. I won't always be here to look after you. You must learn to defend yourself." your eyes watered, lips quivering. You finally met her gaze. Her eyes shone as she smiled sadly. "There are good people out there still (Y/N). you just have to go out and find them." your eyes lowered.

"I'm sorry Rahab-sama." you didn't clarify what it was exactly you were sorry for, but she knew. The violet eyed woman raised to her feet, wiping your stray tears. "You'll open up to people again, maybe even find love." she encouraged. You laughed bitterly, swiping the edge of your palms against your cheeks to get rid of the remnants of tears.

"I loved Kimiko and looked what happened to her." Rahab's smile slowly fell at your statement.

"She was the closest thing I had left, the last of what I considered my family. She cared about me and now she's gone forever. I don't ever want to feel like that again. Never."

The dark haired female understood full well. "I really hope that someday.... you learn to love again (Y/N)." The both of you stood still for a few seconds, nothing but the wistful melodies of the wind echoing in your ears. Rahab took your hand pulling you along. "We should get going." you nodded reluctantly.

"Alright." you followed behind her through the grassy fields. Your eyes ventured throughout the large expanse of greenery. Nothing but miles and miles of what looked like endless nature. You sucked in a breath, sighing out softly. "The's very pleasant." you mumbled. She grinned releasing your hand. You may not realize it but we're in Dragon Aerie." she said excitedly. Your eyes grew as wide as saucers. "Y-you're kidding!" But I don't see any-"

Your words were cut short by burst of air that suddenly came barreling in your direction. Your hands raised, body getting thrown back forcefully at the pressure. You tumbled down a small incline with a grunt. Rahab stood unmoving, laughing at your body that was now laying in a crumpled heap on the floor.

"You should really pay more attention to your surroundings (Y/N)." you growled as Rahab lept laughing. You raised from the dirt with a glare, about to yell at the person responsible for your graceful fall.

"What's the big idea you" your mouth hung open as your words got lost in your throat. You stared in awe at the beautiful silver creature before you.

"It's a...a dragon!!" you blurted.

The cloaked male that was riding the scaled creature jumped down. His hood fell off his head as blue slitted orbs met your own. He grinned proudly, blond hair swaying with the breeze.

"Welcome to Dragon Aerie!!" he greeted cheerfully.

Rahab smiled at your stunned expression. "I just might be able to get her heart beating again." the older mage thought.

"Let's get down to business shall we." 

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