Chapter 20

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"Achoo!" you sniffled, rubbing your nose. You were sure off it now, somehow you managed to catch a cold. Must have been when you went swimming in the lake with Lindel. Since the incident, he made it his mission to ensure you could swim. You agreed reluctantly, just to ease his nerves. You could tell he was just afraid you'd fall in again and he wouldn't be there to help. Since then every couple days the both of you would go to the deeper parts of the forest where there were a couple rivers, shallow enough for you to get comfortable before you tackled the deeper areas.

Unfortunately you must have caught a flu or something. You tried to ignore your itchy nose, collecting the ingredients Lindel sent you for. You walked out of the cave, watching as Lindel stood by the entrance with a smile. " I got them!" you cheered. Handing him to small bottles.

He took it happily. "Thank you (Y/N)-san."

He held the bottles, but his eyes were scanning you. You blinked. " Is something wrong?" Lindel didn't say a word. He moved forward placing a hand on your forehead. "Are you feeling okay? Your face looks a bit pale." you nodded. "I'm fine, don't worry." Lindel stared for a while before nodding. "I'll make something to help with your sinus. I heard you sneezing on your way here. It's partially my fault. I guess my swimming lessons were a bit too much for you." you grinned. "No, I think I'm really getting better. Pretty soon I won't even need you there to help!" you boasted. Lindel gave a fake pout. "Aww then I won't get to see (Y/N)-chan in shorts again~" you blushed looking away.

"B-Baka!!" you yelled embarrassed. Lindel just let out a chuckle. "It's so easy to get you riled up." you turned your nose away, cheeks still bright red. "I'm serious (Y/N), I don't want you getting sick." your eyes shifted at the side to glance at him. " You turned back, eyes closed as you nodded. "Fine I'll take your medicine. " you agreed. Lindel smiled brightly. "Thank you." you looked at him with a small smile of your own at the happy look he wore. He looked like an excited puppy. "He's so silly." you giggled to yourself. Taking a step forward you pressed a kiss to his lips. Lindel smiled against your lips. Just when he was about to respond you pulled away.

"See ya later!" you called running off. Lindel stood there stunned. After a few seconds he recollected himself.

"Two can play at that game."


"Come on, let's go cliff jumping again it's fun!!" One of the Hatchlings cheered, tugging on your sleeve. "Alright, but just one round. I'm exhausted. " The little dragon nodded excitedly, as the both of you moved to track up the small cliff. You huffed slightly as the both of you climbed up the steep area. For a second you stopped, leaning over as you tried to catch your breath. When you raised your head to call the hatchling, your vision was blurred.

"So tired..."


"LINDEL!!!" The blond haired caretaker turned at the sound of his name. His eyebrows raised at the frantic look on the dragon's face. Lindel sighed. "Did you damage your wing again? I told you to be careful. I don't want you being so reckless when you-"

"(Y/N)-chan is in trouble!!" Lindel's orbs widened in fear. "Take me to her!!"

The hatchling nodded dashing off, Lindel following with briskly.

"What happened?" he questioned as they ran.

"W-We were walking up the cliff to go jumping, b-but she just fell. S-She won't wake up. I-I'm sorry. S-She told me she was tired but I really wanted to.." tears were beginning to well in the young dragons eyes. "It's not your fault. She must have caught something from the lake. If anyone should take the blame for this it's me." Lindel's eyes shook. "The river has a large amount of magic, as well as creatures. She could have contracted anything..." Lindel bit his lip worriedly.

When they made to the cliff, Lindel heart almost stopped beating. You were lying close to the bottom. Your eyes were closed and your skin looked pale. He couldn't tell if you were breathing or not. He rushed over to your body, taking you up into his arms. When he had you secured, his eyes turned to the frightened hatchling. "Don't worry, she'll be fine. I'll treat her."

"I-I'm sorry Lindel.." the hatchling wept.

"There's no need to apologize. She'll be fine. When she gets well I'll call you. Until then I need you all to stay clear of the cave for a while. We don't know if what she had is magical. I can't risk any of you catching it." The hatchling gave a tentative nod.

"O-Okay." Lindel gave the hatchling a reassuring smile as he walked off with your unconscious body in his arms. Your skin was cold to the touch.

"Hold on (Y/N)..." 

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