Chapter 27

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"You have to be more careful okay." you looked at the little hatchling giving it pat as you kissed it's bruised forehead. "Thanks!" the little dragon said running off again. You gave a smile. Your eyes shifted and you noticed Lindel standing just staring at you. When he realized you caught on his gaze shifted and he turned heading in the direction of the cave. You puffed your cheeks in annoyance. "That's it, we really need to talk." since the little incident the both of you hadn't said much to each. Lindel would still show you magic and ask for your help, but that was it. He kept his time around you minimum. Before he would always tease and poke fun of at you. Now it seemed like strictly business.

"He won't be like that for long." you jumped at Merituuli appearing beside you. "D-Don't just pop up like that!" he laughed waving his paws. "My bad!! " you sweatdropped. "You know, if I remember correctly you were the one that got us into this mess. " you glared. The familiar waved his hands around. "I was just trying to help. " you sighed heavily. "I just want us to go back to how it was, but now it seems like that won't happen. " Merituuli watched the helpless look in your eyes. He looked down guilty. "I'm sorry, I really was just trying to help. I just wanted you guys to be happy." he mumbled. You gave a small smile. "We will be, don't worry too much. I'm going to have a word with him now. Things will go back to how they were. " You gave a fist pump. Puffing out your chest. "I'm going to have a word with him now!" Merituuli smiled.

"Gambatte (Y/N)-san!!" running off you made your way over to the cave with a new felt confidence. When you got to the entrance, you slowed down. You walked in feeling a bit nervous. You had no idea how to start the conversation. Your cheeks had also started to redden when you remembered your last encounter with Lindel. You clenched your fist to try and ease you heart rate. "Calm down nothing is going to happen." you whispered to yourself.

"Are you sure." you spun around with a squeak. "L-Lindel-sama!!" he smirked at you. "Were you looking for me?" you nodded with a blush. "Y-Yes I-I just- I-I needed to..." your words weren't forming correctly. His eyes just held your gaze. You clenched a hand to your chest nervously. "You don't have to be so unnerved (Y/N)-san. I understand. There is nothing for you to apologize for. What happened yesterday was a perfectly normal reaction. " He gestured for the both of you to take a seat on the bed. You flushed but followed him to sit at the edge of the bed.

"I take it you've never seen a man naked before yesterday." you shook your head rapidly. Lindel chuckled. " I thought so. I guess I'm also at fault. I hoped you would finally see me as a man, but my wish backfired in a sense." he looked down, hands folded against his knees.

You swallowed, finally forcing yourself to speak. " I-I don't know much about anything. Kimiko t-told me once about urges a-and hormones and stuff b-but I never took her seriously." you sulked. "If only I actually paid attention." you whined. Lindel couldn't help the smile that made its way on his face. He placed his hand over your own, catching your attention.

"What happened to you was just a shock to me as it was to you (Y/N)-san." you blinked.

"R-Really?" he nodded. "I-I've never lost control like that before. Usually I have a solid grasp on myself. Everything seems to be in disarray since I met you.."he conveyed softly. You grew quiet at the way he was looking at you now. Your eyes were firm for a few seconds. "I want you Lindel-sama.." Lindel eyes widened at your words. It took you a while to realize what you said.

"I-I'm sorry!!! I-I did it again I-I-"you were frantic. You placed your hands on your lips with a mortified look.

Your brows furrowed as you slowly moved your hands, fidgeting. Your hand slowly moved to his press softly against his chest. "I really want you Lindel-sama." Lindel let out a staggered breath. He leaned forward, pressing his lips to your own. You returned the kiss eagerly. Your hands somehow had landed on his thigh. He groaned when he felt it slowly moving up. Lindel pulled back, panting. You were in a similar state. "W-We..need to exercise some type of control.." he forced out. Your eyes looked at him frustrated. "As much as we may want to we can't. " Lindel's fingers brushed your cheek lovingly.

"I think your finally experiencing what it means to be a woman. The reason your urges are a lot more heightened is solely because your a mage. " You shook your head. "B-But I love you Lindel!!" He smiled. "I have no doubt that you do, I still feel we should wait a while. I don't want you rushing into something that you may come to regret later on. " You glared at him childishly. "But I wanna!" you whined. He grinned. " I do too, trust me. But your first time, it should be something special (Y/N). Not a rush in the heat of the moment."

"Fine.." you mumbled annoyed. Lindel just gave a smile. "(Y/N)-san, you may not know this, but when dragons mate...they mate for life. " you turned to him in confusion. "Humans have multiple partners, and their mating rituals are done with multiple individuals. But when a dragon loves, it seals its love with the act of mating, which is a permanent symbol of their relationship. I-I am very much the same." you were slowly putting the pieces together. 

"T-That's why we can't. I know what I feel for you (Y/N). I've never felt like this for anyone, and I never will for anyone but you. B-But you still have many years to find yourself, to find what you want in life. You're young and your feelings, they could easily changed. I-I just don't want you to be tied down to something like this. Please understand." 

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