Chapter 2

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"Sensei seemed really happy teaching today, the way she talked about was almost like it was real." you stared, listening to Kimiko intently. Class had ended a while ago. The both of you were making your way home. Thankfully you and Kimiko lived really close by, it was how you had become such close friends. For as long as you could remember she had been looking out for you. She was the older sister you always wanted, what was funnier is you were actually older than her by a year.

"(Y/N)-chan, about this morning....." you blinked looking at her in confusion. "You mean because I was late. I promise I'll try to watch less anime from now on." Kimiko was silent, she stopped walking, turning to you. You froze at the seriousness in her eyes. "I know that's not why you're always late (Y/N)." you flinched at her tone. Trying to compose yourself you laughed it off.

"What's with you all of a sudden Kimi-chan, I already said that I-"

"DON'T LIE!!" you jolted eyes widening. Her fists were clenched tightly as her gaze stayed intently on you. "I...I know you have nightmares. You always try to play it off like nothing's wrong but I know. I never said anything before but whenever you sleep over by me you..." she looked pained. "You cry in your sleep, s-sometimes you wake up screaming.." Her hand moved to the front of her uniform, gripping the material tightly.

You looked down avoiding her gaze. "It's nothing.." you mumbled. Her teeth gritted moving closer to you. She stopped directly in front of you with a heated glare. "I'm not an idiot (Y/N)! J-Just tell me about what happened, I-I won't look at you any different, y-you're my friend and I just-"

"SHUT UP!!" you screamed out aggressively. Kimiko's ranting stopped as she looked at you in disbelief. Your face was twisted in anger, eyes glinting darkly. She almost stopped breathing when a small spark of red encircled your normally (E/C) orbs. Your eyes were glowing brightly as a spark of what looked like electricity crackled off your body. Kimiko stared speechless at the sight.

"W-What the hell!?!!"

Kimiko didn't say a word, without warning she bolted off in the other direction. You paused when a fearful look crossed her face. You reached out a hand, instantly regretting yelling at her.

"W-Wait Kimiko I'm s-"

"S-Stay away from me!!" she cried out sprinting even faster. A hurt look crossed your features as you watched her running off, you couldn't bring your body to move and chase after her. You stood there, legs feeling as though they were rooted to the floor.


The next day

It was already difficult before for you to get sleep. Now you weren't even sure you had closed your eyes when you got to your bed.

"S-Stay away from me!!" your eyes wavered remembering Kimiko's feared expression. You knew you shouldn't have yelled at her but the way she reacted was almost as if she had seen a monster. You shook your head. "She's just mad, s-she'll come around." you encouraged. You pumped your fist as you bolted out the door.

On your way to school your body felt a bit unbalanced, you couldn't place it but something was different. "Maybe I caught a cold." you slowed your fast pace, placing the back of your hand against your forehead. "I feel fine, then what's this weird feeling.." you tried your hardest to ignore it. Solely focusing on getting to school so you could see Kimiko. 

So taken in your thoughts you failed to see the person standing directly in front of you. You bumped the person's shoulder roughly. Staggering to the side you turned to apologize. "I-I'm really sorry sir, I wasn't really watching where I was..." your words trailed off as the man before you smiled pulling off the hoodie of his coat. The male had silver hair and he looked like a child, maybe around the same age as you. He gave a bright smile. "That's alright, no harm done." you smiled at his cheerful tone with a nod. "Yes, well I need to be off. Once again I'm sorry." you bowed for good measure before you took off running.

"Well be careful next time (Y/N)~" you skidded to a stop, turning quickly in alarm.

"H-How does he know my name..." your eyes searched for the male but he was nowhere in sight. A sudden chill ran down your spine. "Who was that?" your gut was telling you to avoid the guy if you ever saw him again.

~Time skip~

You busted through your homeroom class. Your eyes moved to Kimiko's desk but she was there. Your eyes lowered. "Does she hate me now.." you raised when you heard one of your classmates calling your name. "(Y/N)-chan?" you looked up forcing a smile.

"Good morning. " you chirped. The girl gave you a weird look. "You're acting kinda strange, you even got to school on time." she pointed out. "H-Hey I'm not that bad." you chuckled. She smiled shaking her head looking over your shoulder. "Where's Kimiko-chan?" you shook your head.

"She was lecturing me yesterday for coming late and we got in a fight." you said with a heavy sigh. "I think she's still mad." you frowned childishly. "She's just worried, Kimiko-chan is really protective of you. Yesterday she was saying this creepy looking kid was asking about you when she was coming to school. He was probably some kind of stalker. You should be careful from now on." you stopped for a second taking in her words.

"A creepy kid....wait, did he have silver hair?" you questioned urgently. She placed a finger on her cheek in thought. "Ano, y-yeah! Now that you mention it I think she did say he had silver hair. He was wearing some kind of weird robe too. Kimiko-chan was a bit weary, he sounded like a real creep." your eyes zeroed on the ground in thought. "Sounds just like the guy I met this morning." you couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.


The rest of the day you couldn't concentrate. Kimiko hadn't showed up and you were worried. You couldn't help but feel maybe that creepy guy had done something to her. "Why didn't she say anything.." your right hand was trembling as you clenched your shoulder bag tighter. You were standing at the exit of the school. Everyone was leaving, smiling happily with their friends as they buzzed pass you. Trying to get a grip your eyes raised as you stepped out the school gates. You were stopped by a hand gripping your free wrist. You turned a bit startled. Your heart settled when you realize it was just your teacher.

"A-Ah, Sensei, you kinda scared me. Did you need something." Her amethyst orbs scanned your form. You shifted slightly at her probing eyes. She looked like she was about to say something, but stopped herself at the last second. "Have a good evening (Y/N)." She smiled, but it didn't really reach her eyes. You watched her walk away without another word.

"Strange.."  You shook it off. "I-I can't get distracted, I need to see Kimiko." You paced, walking briskly on your way to her house. 

Ancient Magus Bride Fanfiction (Lindel) ❤Where stories live. Discover now