Chapter 7

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"What do I do...What do I do..." you were trembling watching Kimiko's weakened form curled up on the ground.

"There really isn't anything you can do little girl." Joseph taunted.

"You...have to run.." Kimiko coughed again, before her she rose slightly unto her arms to look at you. "I can't move (Y/N) need to get away.." you shook your head 

"I-I'm not leaving you!" you huffed.

"Since you're making this so boring I guess I'll have to entertain myself." you weren't prepared for the figure that appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Joseph's mantis monster was suddenly behind him. He grinned rubbing it's side before giggling. Without so much as a warning the giant creature lounged forward. You panicked turning your body to cover Kimiko's.

"He wants me alive...this will hurt but he won't let me die...I can save her.." your eyes clenched shut preparing for the blow to hit you. You gasped when you felt your body being thrown. You grunted as your back hit the dirt ground harshly. All you heard was the sound of flesh being torn. Something wet and warm had landed on your cheek. 

Your eyes opened slowly watching the scene before you. Kimiko was standing directly in front of you. A pained smile was on her face as she looked down at your body a few meters away. She had blocked the insect's attack with her body, both of it's incisors had impaled her right through the chest. You just stared with wide eyes, hoping what you were witnessing before you was just a dream.

"N-No..Kimi..ko...KIMIKO!!!" you screamed out eyes pouring with tears. Your feet wouldn't let you move.

"I..I'm sorry (Y/N)...I couldn't let it hurt you...please forgive..m.." you watched mortified as the light slowly faded from her eyes. She mumbled something under her breath as the mantis pulled its incisors out of her back roughly. Blood smeared its claws, making you sick to your stomach. Her body swayed, falling forward flat on her face.


Your lips quivered as you crawled over to her limp body. Your hands touched her own softly. You gripped her palm tightly, hoping she would squeeze your own. She never did. Your eyes could see the two large gashes on her back from where she had been stabbed. Blood was slowly running down, pooling right at her stomach. Her eyes were shut, blood trailing at the edge of her mouth. A smile was stretched on her lips.

Your body went rigid.

"Such a pity, she would have made an interesting experiment. I must admit, it's my first time witnessing a human harness magic like that. It was very educational. Now then, shall we go."

Joseph was now standing before you, his monster right at his side.

"Kimiko's gone...." you spoke sternly head lowered. Joseph laughed when you moved from Kimiko's side rising to your feet.

"You want to play hero now, how cute."

You looked at her form on the ground from the side of your eye. 

"I'll make him pay."

Ancient Magus Bride Fanfiction (Lindel) ❤Where stories live. Discover now