Chapter 18

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~Dragon Eerie~

"I'm worried about her, what if they didn't make it to Chise's. Merituuli would have alerted me if something was wrong but still." Lindel continued to pace as his thoughts wandered.

"I shouldn't have been so forward with my feelings. She's still so young and confused...I took advantage of that."

The blond dragon protector looked down in disappointment. "How do I fix what's happened, I can't pretend that I feel nothing for her." Lindel's hand moved to his chest, clenching his coat. Blue eyes shook slightly, trying to find some sort of balance. "I'm in love with do I make that disappear.."

Lindel wasn't naive. He had lived for many years, met a wide range of different people. Throughout all of his adventures he'd never felt so out of control with his emotions. Never felt so drawn to someone that it messed with his head. Lindel had always been a wise resourceful person, what changed? Deep down he knew the answer.

Lindel's eyes shot up when he heard the familiar flapping of wings. Time seem to slow as you got closer. When you were within range, both your eyes connected. Your cheeks colored, heart rate increasing unconsciously.


The dragon lowered onto the floor, wings folding at its side. Merituuli was the first to jump off. His usually peppy demeanour showing. He ran off towards the lake with a happy smile. You were frozen, your legs were trembling slightly as you continued to stare at Lindel. Neither of you said a word. When the air grew thick, your eyes lowered, unable to keep contact. Dra-kun growled, breaking the silence. Your eyes met golden ones as the animal just gazed at you. You chuckled, scratching your head awkwardly as you climbed off. "I guess all the tension was annoying him." you mumbled. Dra-kun walked off immediately with an irritated huff. You sweatdropped at the action. You were sure if he could speak right now, he'd be cursing you.

"I'm glad you came back safely, I was a bit worried. Even though Merituuli accompanied you, I was a bit weary." you looked up at him.

"Y-Yeah, sorry about that. I know I can be a little reckless sometimes. I didn't mean to make you worry." you laughed softly.

Lindel walked closer, placing his palm on your cheek. "You are fully capable of taking care of yourself, nevertheless, I'd still be worried, whenever you're not by my side." Your eyes widened at his statement. His eyes looked like they were almost glowing, a dazed expression on his face. You could see the slight fear reflected in his usually playful orbs. Something snapped him out of his daze. He pulled his hand away, looking down.

"I'm sorry... I don't know.. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"W-What! N-No I wasn't-"

He interrupted you. "It's improper for me to make advances on you. I'm your master after all. Nothing more. These past couple of days I've been forcing my wants unto you and I apologize."

"B-But I-"

"You don't have to endure anything for me (Y/N)-san. I know you don't hold those type of feelings for me. That's why you ran isn't it? I never meant to chase you away like that. You won't have to worry. It may be difficult for you but I would like to continue being your teacher. Rahab-sama entrusted me to teach you and I don't want you to suffer because of my selfishness." The entire time his eyes were directed at the ground. He let out a breath turning his back to you.

"Things will go back to the way they were before. I will be your teacher, nothing more." With that being said, he started walking away. You wanted to stop him, you needed to stop him.

Ancient Magus Bride Fanfiction (Lindel) ❤Where stories live. Discover now