Chapter 4

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"Papa, Why are you acting so weird?" you father's head jerked as he turned to your small finger. You'd just turned six and had been previously out celebrating. Everything seemed fine until you got back home. You were a kid but you could tell something was wrong. Your mother looked frantic as if something had startled her, and your father wasn't meeting your eyes.

"It's nothing (Y/N), I think maybe we had a little to much ice cream. " you giggled when he gave an embarrassed smile. "That's okay papa, I'll get some medicine!!" you bounced happily in the kitchen to meet your mother who was standing at the sink. Her fingers were gripping the edge tightly.

"Mama?" she jumped upon hearing your voice. "(Y-Y/N), a-are you okay, is something wrong?" she kneeled next to you immediately. Surveying your body. Your shook your head.

"Papa said you guys eat to much ice cream so I'm getting him medicine." you spoke proudly.

You could see her visibly relax as she smiled. Reaching at the top cabinet she pulled out a small glass container with clear liquid. "Here, this should help with the tummy ache. Make sure Papa takes it or he won't get better." you smiled giving a salute.

"Roger!" She handed you the bottle, following you into the living room as you ran off. When she rounded the corner a grin adorned her face. "

Just a cork full should be enough for his stomach ach..." your mother halted when she caught sight of the individual who stood in the living room. You looked between both of your parents who suddenly looked tensed at the stranger standing before you. He was wearing a hood so you couldn't fully make out his face. Your father was blocking you from view in a second, shielding you and your mother. When the stranger removed the brown material from his head, you moved behind your mother, clenching unto her leg.

"W-Who is that papa?" you couldn't help but get an eerie feel from the strange male.

"I'm Jospeh!" his tone was peppy and his appearance was that of a kid, no older than fourteen.

"I told you, there is nothing here for you alchemist. Leave immediately!!" you closed your eyes at the sudden yell of your father. You never heard him use such a harsh tone.

"Now now, we both know that's not true. I just want the little mage, then I'll be on my way. No one has to die." your hands were shaking as you looked at your mother in confusion. 

"W-What's a mage mama?"

Your father gave you a side glance. "I'd quicker die!" you stared in disbelief when a sudden blue glow emitted from your father's hands.

"Please lend me your strength." you gasped when a small being appeared out of nowhere. Her skin color is pale purple, with thick, wavy, chin length, jade green hair with matching long eyelashes, wings and feathered feet. Sparks of green energy glimmered, covering your body. Your raised your hands up in alarm. Your mother stepped away from your body taking your father's hand as they stood directly in front of you.

"We're sorry (Y/N). it's our job to protect you, please don't hate us..." tears rolled down her cheeks as she gave a smile. "We love you." your eyes widened as you pushed your body to move forward. When your legs wouldn't comply you looked down, watching the green roots that kept your feet locked to the ground.

"W-What's going on!?!" MAMA! PAPA!!!" You father clenched his teeth as his gaze met with the magical being in front of him.

"Protect her no matter what. You're only job is to ensure she's safe, am I clear." the winged fairy like creature looked unsure but nodded nonetheless. "I understand." A huge mass of energy crashed unto you covering you in a small vine like barrier. You watched as the roots formed a sphere around your body. A couple of spaces were present between the circular barrier. You could still see your parents. You reached out to try and squeeze through the open areas. Your hand was immediately blocked by an invisible force. You couldn't even push a finger through.

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