Chapter 6

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You stumbled when Kimiko suddenly stopped. Her eyes scanned the area letting out a curse.

"What's wrong?" you were puzzled, the both of you had been running around for a while, surely you had gotten far enough away from Joseph. Kimiko looked worried though.

Her hands pressed to a nearby tree. Your eyes watched as she pointed at a small scratch.

"I thought I was imagining it but I'm sure now, we've passed this tree about four times already." your hands shook."N-No way.."

She nodded with a frown. "He's been toying with us, that bastard."

"Come out you big coward!!!" you grabbed her hand in fear. "W-Why are you calling him to where we are!?!" she shook her head. "He knows where we are, probably been watching this whole time. We can't keep running, he's just trying to tire us out so we won't have the energy to fight back." Your blood turned cold at her words.

A echoing chuckle resonated from above. Joseph appear right before the both of you in a gust of wind. When the breeze had calmed down around your general area he smiled.

"You're a lot more observant than I thought human, impressive." Kimiko just kept glaring as she held her hand out, blocking you from his view.

"I'm sure you realize by now that there is no way for you to defeat me. Your little (Y/N)-chan is so terrified she can't even access her magic, not that it would have made much of a difference." He flexed his fingers giggling. "I am enjoying myself though, I've never been tested by a human before. First you stun my creation and now your facing me off. How amusing."

"Shut up already you stupid kid!!" Kimiko hissed in anger. You were surprised at how fierce she was being in the face of danger. You were pretty sure she was just as scared as you but, she did one hell of a job of covering it up.

Joseph grinned. "As brave as you are being, I know you understand that there is no way you will survive this." his tone was darker this time. Not the false childish persona he was using previously. One of his hands moved to the right side of his face as he grinned wickedly.

"I'll savor tearing you down human." 

You were sure he was about to pitch forward in your direction to attack. You weren't prepared when Kimiko held out both her hands. She yelled out halting any movement Joseph prepared to make.

"ARIELS OF THE WINDS PLEASE LEND ME YOUR STRENGTH!!" you gasped turning to Kimiko.

A burst of wind erupted from the area around her body. Green sparkles of light flickered into the air right before you as you stared in awe. You were forced back a little at the pressure. Three feathered creatures materialized from the now glittered atmosphere. The fairy like creatures that appeared circled around Kimiko with joyous giggles. You stared, taking in every bit of their appearance. Skin pale in color and their eyeballs black with red irises. Bird-like feathery wings were attached to their shoulders, allowing them to fly freely.

Joseph was staring speechless. "Y-You're a human!" he spoke incredulously. You were terrified when he suddenly burst out laughing hysterically. "You stupid little girl, you have no idea what you've just done."

Kimiko clenched her teeth, looking on the the three faeries. One of them turned, fluttering around her with an astonished expression. "A human....summoned us.." the other faeries looked on. The other two faeries turned to the first with skeptical looks as if relaying something.

Kimiko grunted in pain, clenching a hand to her chest. You watched as the fairy flew over to her ear. It whispered something you couldn't make out. Whatever it was Kimiko nodded as the fairy fluttered back to her side with her other flying friends.

Ancient Magus Bride Fanfiction (Lindel) ❤Where stories live. Discover now