Chapter 15

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After what happened with Lindel, you spent most of your time trying to avoid any long interactions. It was difficult since you and Lindel were basically the only people in that particular area for miles. You knew it was stupid but, you couldn't trust your feelings.

"I was scared, and he helped me..t-thats why I'm feeling this way. Plus he's the only guy I've been in contact with. I-I don't like Lindel-sama like that." you were trying to convince yourself that your feelings were false. So far it wasn't going to well. A tight pain formed in your chest. The entire situation was agitating you.

Your eyes lifted when you felt a nudge by you leg. "Dra-kun?" you looked down at the dragon. It's nuzzle was gently pushing you by the side of your leg. Your head tilted in confusion.

"We're going to visit Chise-san!" Merituuli said excitedly. You watched as he mounted the dragon with a grin. "Chise-san... I've never met her. Can I come along?"

"I think you should stay, you still have a lot of learning to do." You jumped at Lindel's voice suddenly speaking behind you. Your body turned as you clenched your hand to your chest. When his eyes met your own you looked away. A flush immediately came to your cheeks as your heart rate increased. "W-Why does this keep happening!?!" you thought frustratedly.

You almost leaped out of your skin when his hand grasped your wrist lightly.

"(Y/N)-san..." He locked gazes with you. Staring at you the same way he did a couple nights ago. You pulled back your arm a bit panicked. "I-I'm going!" you shouted with your eyes closed. You didn't give him a chance. You jumped on the dragon, giving it a pleading look. You were glad he understood the message you were conveying. It's wings expanded immediately. Without warning it's body lifted into the air. Lindel used his hand to cover his face at the dust that rose.

Your eyes connected one last time before you were out of his line of sight.

Lindle have a heavy sigh. "I didn't think she'd actually run like that." Lindel turned in the direction of Nevin's tree. "What am I to do old friend."

Lindle had a feeling even if Nevin was there, he'd tell him figure it out on his own. 

~Time Skip~

You gasped at the view from the sky. Dra-kun was flying effortlessly through the skies, as the wind rushed pass your face. Your hair was getting tousled everywhere but you didn't care. Merituuli grinned at your excitement. "It's great right!!" you laughed nodding.

The clouds were close enough for you to touch. Your hands raised are your fingers parted through the fluffy clouds. "Lindel-sama would love this." almost as soon as the thought came your heart thumped. "W-Why can't I go a second without thinking about him..." your hands lowered as you gaze shifted to your lap. "I hate this."

The remainder of the ride you were fairly quiet.

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