Chapter 24

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"Lindel." Elias's voice slapped the blond caretaker out of his daze. He was still clutching unto your body. "There isn't anything else that can be done. I apologize that I was unable to assist." A sad smile graced Lindel's lips. Despite the pain that was present in his heart, he still managed a smile. "Thank you for trying. " 

Elias gave a nod. Chise was just staring at your lifeless body. Everything felt so surreal. Were you really gone? It couldn't be. She had spoken to you so comfortably just a few months ago. 

An image of your smiling face was fresh in her mind. She pressed her palm to her lips as her shoulders shook. Against her will, tears flowed from her eyes. The redhead looked down in regret. Elias didn't understand why, but seeing his apprentice in tears made his gut wrench painfully. He placed a hand on Chise's shoulder, pulling her into his side to comfort her. She accepted the touch gratefully, burying her face in his robes as she wept.

Ruth and Merituuli looked away, their reactions to the situation weren't much better.

Lindel stood to his feet, with you securely in his arms. He moved slowly over to the bed, placing you down. His palm caressed your cheek softly. "I'm sorry...I couldn't protect you like I promised. Please forgive me..."

His eyes shook as fresh tears made their way back into his eyes. His hand took yours as he smiled. "Thank you for everything (Y/N)-san." Lindel took one last look at your face before he turned away. His hand slipped from yours slowly as he moved away, heart ripping to pieces with every step he took.

Elias was the only looking at you now. Everyone in the room was distraught. He knew what he had to do. He needed to give them time to grieve. He would have to be the one to take care of your body. There was no way he could let Lindel deal with this on his own.

Elias slipped away from Chise momentarily, ushering her over to Ruth for comfort. He stepped closer just looking down at your body. His red orbs flickered when he saw a spark igniting from your chest. "What's this.." he was confused. How was your magic still present if you were...

"Lindel!!" Elias called urgently. Lindel turned abruptly at the urgency in Elias's tone. Blue orbs watched in alarm at the bright blue spark of light radiating from your chest.

"W-What's happening!!" Lindel called. Now everyone was looking on in wonder.

The entire room was enveloped in the blue light as the wind picked up around them. The air tossed their robes around as they watched your body shine brilliantly. Lindel ran over, grasping your hand. His eyes were brimming with hope.

"P-PLEASE! PLEASE COME BACK TO ME!! He cried out desperately. Elias couldn't wrap his mind around what was really going on. "This is is she even alive.."

He kept his hand blocking his face when he felt the overpowering amount of energy release from your body. He held back a groan as the wind slowly started to calm down.

The light returned to your body, as everything in the area became calm. The room was quiet as all eyes turned to you. Lindel was still clutching unto your limb. His eyes grew wide when the color returned to your face. Your fingers twitched against his own, eyebrows knitting together.

Your eyes fluttered open slowly, vision trying to make out the hazy figures standing over you.

When your gaze adjusted to the light, the first thing you saw was blue slitted eyes piercing into you. The male standing before you was looking at you wide eyed, tears dripping unto the bed as he stood over you. You gripped the hand that was holding unto you as you gave a weak smile.

"Lin..del-sama..." you whispered out. His lips quivered.

He dove forward, smashing his lips against your own. Your face erupted in red when he pressed his lips to yours urgently. Your body trembled as you whimpered softly. Lindel pulled back immediately. "I-I'm sorry!!" he apologized. He hadn't meant to move so recklessly, especially after what you went through.

You smiled shaking your head. "It's okay, I really missed you Lindel-sama."

His eyes watered as he hugged you.

"I missed you more.." 

Ancient Magus Bride Fanfiction (Lindel) ❤Where stories live. Discover now