Chapter 11

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"Lindel-sama look at me!!" you laughed loudly jumping off the ledge with the other dragon hatchlings. Lindel turned eyes widening in panic. "What are you doing!?!" he ran forward with a dragon by his side immediately to catch you. He froze midway about to jump on the dragon's back when he saw sparks of blue glimmering at your feet. In seconds your body exploded in a a blue flame. Your eyes lit up as the flames danced off your body. You made running movements in the air ,as the hatchings giggled along flying through the air with you.

"I thought Chise-san said humans couldn't fly!" on of the baby hatchlings asked.

"Not all humans can use magic." the other answered.

Your eyes flashed in their direction at the words it spoke.

"There is a reason humans aren't meant to know of magic." your gut wrenched at the unpleasant memory.

"Kimiko-chan..." a low gasp left your lips as the flames evaporated almost immediately from your body.

Lindel flinched. "(Y/N)-san!!!!" he yelled out alarmed. You gritted your teeth. Shutting your eyes in fear, you felt the air rushing passed your face as you fell. The dragon didn't hesitate. It pitched off into the air. Lindel didn't even have a chance to mount. A relieved sigh left his lips when the dragons caught you by your arms before you hit the ground. You looked up into golden eyes. You could see the slight fear reflected in the magical beast's eyes. You gave a weak smile as it lowered you slowly to the ground. When your feet touched the ground you released a sigh.

"Arigatou." you bowed your head at the dragon, patting its head. It growled almost angrily, making you pull back your hand. When your eyes connected your mouth opened slightly. Somehow it looked angry, but not at you directly. It seemed almost scared.

"You were scared that I would..." It's head tilted to the side staring you down.

"You humans are always so reckless. Foolish beings." Your head turned in Lindel's direction. He gave you a heated glare as you laughed bonking yourself on the head. "I guess I underestimated how much energy that spell took." His glare didn't lessen. You sweatdropped.

"I'm sorry." you said softly. Lindel studied your guilty look just shaking his head.

"It's fine, be more careful next time." You gave frantic nods, pointing at the cliff you had just jumped off with hopeful eyes.

"NO!!" you sulked lowly in a corner bowing your head.


It was getting dark and Lindel was getting all the little hatchling to sleep. You reverted closer to the cave where he slept. He had a tent set up, a low flame lit to provide warmth. Further into the cave you actually had a room. You were surprised to know that Lindel's cave was set just like a house. The inside had different areas with numerous potions, books, chairs, tables etc. You however had begged him to setup a tent tonight. That way you could peak out at the night sky for a while.

The fire was lit brilliantly at the middle. Both your futons were placed on either sides of the flame. Your eyes watched the fire glimmer, almost dancing around. Your head turned when Lindel walked in.

"Today was quite eventful." you giggled. "It was fun." you answered.

"I'm supposed to be your mentor (Y/N)-san, yet somehow I feel like I'm babysitting." you scowled. "Whatever.." you muttered.

Lindel sat on his futon, pulling the coat off his shoulders. You watched as the blue outfit under was now visible. He pulled the two golden bands from his hair, letting it flow freely. You flushed as he shook his head slowly, eyes closed. The light from the fire made him look majestic.

You turned away, ignoring the unfamiliar beating in your chest.

"Why did you falter?" your eyes shifted at his question. "W-What do you mean.."

Lindel's blue orbs browsed you. The look he gave made you weary.

"You had control, something made you stagger. A thought...a memory maybe." your eyes grew wide. You looked down before he could notice the change.

"Damn did he even notice.." you needed to change the subject.

"I think we need a little more wood." you said with a pretentious smile. You pushed the sheets from your legs standing to your feet. Your hands moved to the opening of the tent. Before you could even take a step out Lindel grabbe your wrist. You froze, swallowing the lump in your throat.

"It was about Kimko-san wasn't it." you were startled. You pulled your hand back turning in his direction with anger. "How do you know about her!!" you barked aggressively.

Recognition sparked in his eyes. "Rahab-sama told me of her sacrifice. She risked her life to save you correct? Even at the cost of her own." You looked down not answering him.

"She must have cared for you dearly (Y/N)-san. Very rarely do we meet individuals like that."

"No one asked her to risk her life. She was an idiot." Lindel was about to interject but you didn't give him a chance. "I'm getting the wood." you stated. Without another word you left, leaving Lindel to his own thoughts. He stared at your retreating form saddened.

"At least Elias had the luxury of not knowing where he came from."


When you were sure you were out of Lindel's sight, you leaned against one of the trees. You slid down, burying your face into your knees. Body shaking, you let the tears flow freely. You cried weakly, praying Lindel wouldn't decide to come out looking to see where you were.

"Why did you have to leave me..."

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