Chapter 17

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When you entered Chise's room, you sat on the bed with a smile."What spell did you want to show me!" you beamed. She scratched her head awkwardly. "I didn't really have a spell. You seemed a bit uncomfortable so I.." her eyes averted. "Sorry if I did something unnecessary."

You shook your head with a small smile. "No, you didn't. You sorta saved me actually." your legs were dangling off the bed, eyes zoning out. Chise watched you for a while.

"Did you really run away from Lindel?" your heart skipped as your fists clenched on the bed sheets. "I...I can' around him. Because I've been spending so much time with him I haven't been able to think straight." Chise's head titled. "What do you mean?" you flushed. "He saved me from the pond when I fell in a few days ago and lately it feels like I can't stop thinking about him." you admitted. Chise smiled. 

"Are you in love with him (Y/N)-san?" you jumped to your feet with wide eyes. "N-NO THAT'S RIDICULOUS!!!" you yelled out. Chise looked startled by your outburst. You blinked trying to calm yourself down. "H-He's my master so I can't be in love with him." you reasoned. "Is there a rule that says that?" she inquired. You sweatdropped.

"W-Well n-no but I don't think that-"

"You're denying your feelings for him because you're afraid of something." you were about to object when Chise moved over taking a seat next to you.

"I met someone previously, s-she had the same problem. She didn't want to accept the loved she felt for this person because she thought it was wrong. She was afraid to admit it to herself. Living in denial was easier for her to accept, rather that admitting what she felt." Your gaze turned, staring into emerald eyes, hoping to find an answer. "Did she end up with the one she loved?" Chise's eyes lowered. 

"No. By the time she finally realized what she felt...he was already gone." your lips quivered. 

"I-I...I don't know if what I feel is real. I'm scared...I don't want to lose anyone else..." your shoulders were shaking slightly. Chise's hand rested softly on your clenched fist. You looked up. "I don't know anything about what you feel but, love is all about taking chances. If we don't, we'll have nothing but regrets (Y/N)-san." tears were now flowing from your eyes as you smiled at her. "Y-You're really smart Chise-san." you complimented, wiping the stray tears. 

"I hope that love works out for you and Elias as well."

Her cheeks reddened at your statement. "E-Eh?!" you grinned. "I can tell you really care about him. The way you came rushing when you thought he was in danger, it was cute." you teased. Chise's gaze shifted, making you laugh. You stood with a new resolve. You needed to tell Lindel about how you felt.

"I'm ready to go back home."


After your chat with Chise, you felt a bit more confident. You thanked Silkie for the sandwiches and were on your way out the door. "Thanks for having us!!" Merituuli shouted as he waved happily. You were smiling. "It was great meeting you all." you said now standing next to Dra-kun. The both of you mounted the dragon as it raised to a sitting position.

"Come again." Chise invited returning your smile. Ruth and Elias stood by the door just behind Chise. "Try not to freak out next time." Ruth said boredly with a small smirk. You pouted.

"T-That wasn't my fault!" your head turned as Dra-kun prepared to take off. His wings flapped a couple times, in a matter of seconds he was hovering as his body lifted slowly into the air.

"BYE!!!!" Merituuli yelled.

Just like that, you were off into the skies again. Your eyes looked down as Chise and the others seemed to get further away.


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