Chapter 16

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When the three of you landed right outside the small little house you looked up. Directly in front of the door, a black dog was sleeping. It's ears perked when it heard the Dra-kun land. Merituuli jumped off excitedly.

"Hey Ruth!!" the black dog nodded. You stepped off Dra-kun giving him a pat as you moved towards the door. The dog turned in your direction. It's red eyes studied you closely.

"Who are you?" You kneeled down with a smile.

"I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet you talking doggy." you said with a happy grin. You reached out pulling on his ears as you moved around his body inspecting different parts of the dog. You grabbed his cheeks pulling him towards your face. You squished his cheeks against your own with a blissful smile. Ruth sweatdropped, not really sure how to react. Usually he never let strangers touch him so freely but, he couldn't sense anything threatening from you.

You were unprepared when he suddenly stood on all fours. His body changed into a swirl of black before it expanded. He changed into a man right before your eyes. You stumbled back in surprise.

He stood fully, dark curly hair swishing lightly with the breeze. "I'm a familiar." he spoke. You flushed bowing.

"Gomen, gomen, gomen.." you bowed continuously, embarrassed that you had just basically felt up the male. A small smile formed on his face as he turned to the door opening it.

"Chise, you have visitors." he called as the three of you walked in. You watched as a silkie came out from the living room with a washcloth in her hand. Her rose colored orbs just looked you over. Without a word she left. You were puzzled at the action but ignored it, you were too excited to meet Chise to care.

You smiled in anticipation, ready to meet Chise. Lindel had mentioned her on more than one occasion. You were happy you could finally meet her.

"Who are you?" Your body froze when you saw a shadow reflected of the wall. Red eyes gazed at you making your blood run cold. You screamed in fear hands raising. A shot of fire emitted from your hands crashing into the wall where the shadow once was. Ruth turned at the sudden attack halting your actions. The fire on the was extinguished almost immediately. You assumed the shadow had been the one behind that. "What are you doing, that's Elias!" You stared at him in panic as you fell to your knees. He watched your terrified stare keenly. Your hands and legs were trembling as you gripped your head to try and calm down. Merituuli rushed over to you, placing his paw like limb against your back soothingly. "It's alright. He's not dangerous, just a little scary looking that's all." When the shadow materialized, you almost stopped breathing.

The being that stood before you looked neither human nor fae. He looked like a bipedal humanoid with the skull of a wolf and the horns in place of a head. The glowing red beams of light in the empty sockets of his eyes were the same ones you saw in the shadow previously.

"I apologize for startling you, humans do take a while to get used to my true form. You however, I sense something magical from you. " His mouth opened only slightly as he spoke. You blinked, standing to your feet. "I-I'm sorry I attacked you." you bowed. When you raised you reached out your hand.

Just when you were about to shake his hand, a voice yelled out. "ELIAS!!" you turned, at the female that was now standing in the doorway of the hall. She was panting, a thin layer of sweat on her forehead. "I...I thought you danger.." she trailed off. You took in the girl's appearance. Her eyes were a radiant emerald, hair a glowing red. She looked about as old as you were, maybe about sixteen years old. "Chise." Elias mumbled turning to her. He placed a hand on her hand giving a reassuring pat. You watched her cheeks color at the action.

"Is she...blushing because of him...?" your heart thumped at the exchanged, they looked so cute just standing there.

"W-Wait you're Chise-san!" the red head blinked, giving a slow nod. You rushed over shoving Elias's hand as you grabbed hers. "It's really nice to meet you Chise-san!!" you chirped excitedly. Everyone else in the room sweatdropped at your bold action. Chise gave a small awkward laugh. "I'm sorry have we met before?" you shook your head.

"No, I just heard so much about you from Lindel-sama. The hatchlings really liked you too. I really wanted to meet you."

Her eyes lit up hearing Lindel's name. "How is he, it's been a while since I've been to dragon country. I never really thanked him for helping me with my wand. " You looked off awkwardly. You didn't mean to mention his name, Lindel was the last thing you wanted to think about.

"He's fine.." you muttered. You hoped she didn't sense the tension in your shoulders or on your face.

Everyone turned when the silkie entered the room with a tray consisting of small sandwiches.

"Oh you guys must be hungry." You nodded, moving over to take the sandwich. You picked up one giving a small bow to the fae. When you bit into the sandwich, a euphoric expression formed on your face. Flowers basically forming around you. Chise gave a small smile. " You like it."

"Mhmmm!!" you hummed eating eagerly.

"Was there a reason you came." Elias asked bluntly.

You laughed internally. "He'e exactly how Lindel described."

"I just really wanted to meet Chise-san. Back in dragon country it gets kinda lonely. There aren't much people there, much less girls for me to talk to."

"She was trying to run away from Lindel-sama." Merituuli said with a snicker. You blushed, huffing in the familiar's direction.

"I was not!!" you fired back.

"You're getting really defensive about it, maybe Merituuli is telling the truth." Ruth interjected.

"Whatever!!!" you growled folding your arms. Chise eyes watched you closely. She had a feeling she knew why you were avoiding Lindel.

"Do you want to see my room, I have this spell I'd like to show you." Chise offered. Your face lit up as you nodded vigorously. "Yeah I'd love too!!"

Chise guided the way to her room as Ruth and the others got comfortable in the living room.

When the both of you were out of sight, Elias was still looking in your direction.

"What's wrong?" Ruth inquired.

"Her's strong."

Ruth was a bit worried now. "Is she dangerous?" he asked a bit uneasy now.

"You don't have to worry, she's not gonna hurt anyone. The only reason she attacked Elias is because she was scared. (Y/N)-san had been through a lot. Just like Chise-san. " Merituuli stated.

Ruth felt a bit more comfortable at Merituuli's statement.

"Alright then."

Ancient Magus Bride Fanfiction (Lindel) ❤Where stories live. Discover now