Chapter 22

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Your body felt cold and numb. "Where...where am I?" You weren't sure what happened, but you couldn't remember what you were doing before. You eyebrows were trembling. Your eyes weren't opening. You let out frantic breaths at the realization. You didn't like this. You hated to be on your own.

"Please..don't give up fighting.." your breath stopped for a second at the voice. It felt so far away. 

"W-Who's that...calling?"

"I-I don't think I can live with you not being here to stress me out.." your lips quivered.


You couldn't move a muscle, but somehow, you needed to communicate with him. Let him know you were alright. You could hear the despair in his voice. Lindel was probably terrified. You felt a light pressure on your forehead, along with something wet running down your cheek. Your heart clenched. He was there, all on his own crying.

"I'm here Lindel!! P-Please don't cry..d-don't cry..." you knew he couldn't hear you, but you needed to try. "Stupid body!! Get up already!"

You could hear a soft shuffle, and felt a hand grasping your own softly.

"Stay strong."


Lindel's Pov

Three days had passed since Lindel had contacted Elias. It took a while, but Elias confirmed that he managed to make a cure. Although there was no guarantee the antidote would work. Elias was merely going on what he thought the sickness was.

Elias stood before Lindel, with a small blue bottle. Chise insisted she needed to come along to. Ruth also tagged along. Even though she hadn't known you that long, you were her friend, a new but important one. She could also see how much Lindel was suffering from this. He needed as much support as they could offer right now. Mertuuli was at Lindel's side, he felt completely useless at this moment. His master was in pain and he couldn't offer anything.

"What is that infected her in the first place?" Lindel questioned. They were all now gathered around your body. Your face was as white as a sheet of paper now. Chise's eyes wavered at the sight.

"I believe it was the water itself. Her body has just been introduced to the world of magic. Although she's a powerful mage, she's still just a human. Her body has limitations. Being exposed to all that magical energy has overwhelmed her." 

Lindel eyes widened in shock. "S-So the reason she's this because of me.." the realization hit him like a ton of bricks. He had repeatedly carried you to the rivers so you could learn to swim. The reason you were in this state was because he had been reckless. Lindel's palm moved to his face, as he leaned against the bed, body trembling.

"I-It's not your fault. There is no way you could have known Lindel." Chise tried her hardest to console him.

"Chise is right. In other cases, this shouldn't have happened. I think it's because she manifested her magic late. Her body hasn't fully adjusted to the change. No matter what you think, this was completely out of your control."

Lindel's hand gripped the headrest of the bed. "Even so, it could have been avoided. " Blue eyes turned in Elias's direction. "Please, help her." Elias gave a nod as he stepped forward. He pulled the cork of the bottle as he tipped the bottle. Golden dust slipped out, circling your body. A beautiful glow emitted from the contents of the bottle.

When the dust completely encased around your body, you slowly started to levitate off the bed. Lindel watched with hopeful eyes. Everyone around seemed to be holding their breath. Elias was looking on curiously. His eyes shifted when the gold light around your body started to turn a bright red. The energy around you was crackling dangerously.

"Everyone step back!" Elias ordered. He grabbed chise by her shoulder, pulling her into his coat as he lifted his hand. Lindel stumbled along with Ruth and Merituuli. They all gazed as the red energy pulsed around your body. A large red beam shot out from your body, which Elias deflected with a bit of difficulty. He raised he staff, blocking the attack with his thorns. The roots covered the energy ball as it exploded in the small space. Elias lowered his hand when there was nothing but smoke left from the attack. His eyes looked at the red haired female at his side.

"Are you alright Chise?" She nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine. " Her green eyes turned to Ruth. He gave her reassuring nod. "I'm okay to. What was that?"

Elias dusted his coat. "A bad reaction to my antidote. The infection seems to have spread a lot more than I anticipated. "

Lindel eyes looked panicked. When the light dissipated he realized your was still hovering a good five feet in the air. When the energy around you completely vanished, your body sagged, falling back. He jumped over the bed backwards, grunting as your body crashed into his. He tumbled to the floor, letting out a sigh that he managed to catch you.

His eyes welled up in tears when he noticed you looked exactly the same.

"It didn't work..."

Elias turned to Lindel.

"Lindel-" Elias's words were interrupted. "It's alright. You told me there was no guarantee. It's no one's fault but mine." Lindel held your body in his arms trembling. Thick droplets fell from his eyes as he looked down at your pale form. Before you had been breathing faintly. His hands reached around hesitantly to search for a pulse. His eyes turned blank when he couldn't find one.

"She's gone." Elias spoke.

Chise's eyes widened in disbelief.

"No way..

The realization of it all felt like daggers, striking Lindel right in his heart.

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