Chapter 30

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When you woke the next morning you were spooned to Lindel's body. You blushed, recalling the events that transpired that night. You looked down at your naked form. The sheets were covering your body, but you were pressed tightly to Lindel's front. He was letting out steady breaths, the air hitting the skin at the nape of your neck. Your hands gripped into the sheets, trying to calm yourself down. Lindel made a sound and you panicked, thinking maybe you woke him up. He shifted a little but his eyes were still closed. You sighed out, until you realized where his hand moved to. His right hand was moving up your stomach. You almost jumped when he groped your chest. He chuckled behind your ear. "Ohaiyo (Y/N)-san~' he cooed.

"N-No fair." you whined trying to shimmy away from him. His other hand locked around your waist, keeping you in place. "I think the punishment fits the crime. All those days of taunting. I am a man after all. I have needs as well. 

Do you know how much control it took not to make love to you last night." his words made the tips of your ears go red. "I never realized how much I could feel for one person, a human no less. " you looked back at the thoughtful expression on his face. When he caught your stare he smirked. 

"That being said, I'd advise that you don't try any sneaky surprises. I was being lenient last night. Next time I'll tie you up." you blushed, jumping out the bed as you clutched the sheets to your body.



"Are you and Lindel-sama okay now?" Your head raised at Merituuli's question.

"Yes, we're fine, Thank you Meri-kun." He grinned, raising his cute paws in excitement.

"You're welcome (Y/N)-chan!!" Just like that he was off to play with the hatchlings. Your eyes moved over the field of greenery, looking for Lindel. You spotted him collecting some leaves. You ran over, wondering what magic qualities they possessed, since almost everything here had some type of magic. When he saw you approaching his face brightened.

"(Y/N)-san, just the person I was looking for. Hold these." he dropped the leaves into your palm, you just stared down at it in wonder. "So what are these! Magic leaves to make me grow wings, breathe underwater, what about fire breath!" you gushed excited.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, these are just regular tea leaves. " you sweatdropped, a bit disappointed.

"Well that's boring."

"Don't you think you've had enough adventure. I actually appreciate the quiet days. More time for me to spend with you (Y/N)-san." Lindel shot you a smile and you twitched, stepping back with a blush. 

"Damn, lately it's like his pheromones are amplified. I gotta be careful." 

You could basically see the stars floating around his body. Sometimes you needed to remind yourself that Lindel wasn't human. That being said, he acted more human than a lot of people you'd met in your life.

"What are you thinking about?" Your daze was broken by Lindel's question. You blinked, flashing him a smile. "Just how much I love you Lindel-sama!" He returned your look, walking over. His hand reached out, pushing a stray piece of hair behind your ear. "I love you too (Y/N). " you grinned. 

"Of course you do! What's not to love." you boasted. Lindel smirked, leaning closer to your ear. "Right indeed. There are still however so many more parts of your body I need to show proper worship to." he whispered. He pressed a kiss to the shell of your ear and you shivered.

"I-I have to get these back!!" you shrieked, taking off in a sprint. Lindel watched you retreating with a victorious smirk. "Time to give you a taste of your own medicine." He still hadn't let you off the hook for torturing him all those weeks. He needed to pay you back, tenfold. And that's exactly what he was going to do.

"Where's Lindel-sama?" He'd ask that you meet him here after he fed the Hatchlings, yet you couldn't find him. You were inside the cave, looking at his working area in confusion. 

"Are you looking for me (Y/N)-san~" you turned with a smile, about to greet him. You're eyes widened at the fact that he was wearing nothing more than a towel over his hips. Your face heated up and you took a step back. 

"L-L-Lindel-sama where the hell is all your clothes!!" He smirked.

"I was about to have a bath, and I thought why not let my little apprentice join me." you flushed, shaking your head vigorously. He grabbed you, throwing you over his shoulder.


"Let's not waste time, the water will get cold. "


"Now was that so bad." Your face was still a million shades of red. After he basically assaulted you, you were finally able to escape his grasp. You couldn't get the image out of your head, You had a feeling that was his very intention. You barely survived the first time when you saw him at the lake.  Lindel was grinning from his spot as he watched your cherry cheeks. 

"It isn't much fun when you're on the receiving end is it (Y/N)-san." you just pouted, lowering your head. "Lindel-sama is a meanie." you grumbled. He reached over patting your head with a smile. 

"I'm merely showing you how difficult it is for me when you're this adorable. " He was still running his hand over your hair.

"Truthfully, it's still a bit hard for me to understand this all. It's uncommon for someone like me to fall for a human, a mage no less. " your head turned in his direction.

"I have to inform you that the road ahead will not be easy. With Cartaphilus, and many other obstacles. I believe it would be more beneficial if you were to pursue a relationship with another human. " you frowned, standing up and glaring at him.

"I don't want anyone else but Lindel-sama!!" you shouted annoyed. His eyes widened, and he smiled. "I'm honored, truly, what worries me is our time. (Y/N) I...I've been alive for many years, and I will continue to live for many more lifetimes. I won't age the same as you." Your brows knitted, and you sighed. 

"I'm not stupid you know, I'm human, I know I will get older and eventually die long before you do. That doesn't matter to me." When he looked at you this time, it was different, he seemed in a sort of awe.

"I've never wanted love before, when I lost my parents, Kimiko.." you swallowed.

"When they were gone I gave up on a lot of things. Nothing really mattered to me anymore. Now that I have it, I want to hold unto it as long as I can. I'm not afraid of dying Lindel, the only thing that would hurt me, is if I can't spend the rest of my life with you." The way your eyes glowed as you spoke made his heart warm. He chuckled under his breath, pulling you into his arms.

"I will do all in my power to ensure that I fulfill that wish." You smiled, leaning into his embrace.

"Thank you, Lindel-sama." 

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