Chapter 21

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Disclaimer:I do not own any characters to be shown in this fanfic


 "Ugh, can we hurry this up"You said as you walked around the dusty, VERY dusty house. Well who could you blame, no one has probably been here in like decades!

"Patient (Y/n)"Eren scolded you. You gave him a 'Are you okay?'look

"You, patient hahahahah nice joke"You snorted as you walked upstairs to where Armin was. Hoping that he could speed up a little bit. You walked in a random room hoping that it was the library. Luckily it was.

"Hey Armin, can you hurry up?"You asked him as you looked around the room filled with books. Armin looked at you and apologised.

"A-Ah sorry (Y/n), I got carried away. There are so much books here, all about the titans!"He exclaimed as he threw his arms up in the air. You tilted your head to the side in confusion. 

"Really?Cool"You said while grabbing a random book and blowing the dust off. You opened the old book and flipped through the pages. Its looked like a diary of some sort.

Day 1

The Titan Experiment 

Today we experimented on the captured titans about sun light. One titan was inside a makeshift tent and the another was outside. The one inside seemed to be losing energy more than the one outside.

You kinda cringed at the fact that these people were sorta like your crazy friend Hanji. You resumed your reading.

Day 2

The Titan Experiment 

Today we have found out that titans are made out of thin air. They are as light as a feather when dead. 

You remembered Hanji telling you this one fact about titans. You kept reading about the titans until you heard Jean come upstairs.

"Oi!Armin, (Y/n)!Let's go"He said with a irritated look on his face. You waved your hand and closed the book putting it in your small bag that you carried around.

"Okay, Armin let's go, did you find the book?"You asked Armin who was stuffing 5 books in his book bag. After he closed his bag, he looked at you and nodded.

"Okay, let's go"




"God damn it"

Just a few hours ago, you were at the abandoned house filled with book. Just a few hours ago you were riding peacfully with your members laughing along the way. Just a few hours ago you were seperated by a horde of titans.....

Luckily, you weren't harmed. Though not knowing about your friends condition was killing you. Your sitting on a large branch under 3 titans trying to climb their way to you. This day has not been going well for you at all.

"Stupid machine"You slammed your 3DMG on the brach harshly. Not enough to fully break it.

"Ugh, how am I suppose to get out here?"You asked yourself as you leaned on the tree and covered your face with your hands.

The night light was iluminating on the forest making it almost beautiful. The trees looked blue as the wind was making them sway slightly.

The walls were kilometers away making it even harder to reach it. You were sitting on the branch trying to come up a plan when the forest made a striking familiarity. There was an odd presence the forest was radiating off. Like, like you've been here before.

Falling For My Best friend Or My Corporal (Eren x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now