Chapter 32

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"Don't you fucking get it (Y/n)?I like you"That's when Levi's lips crashed onto your own.




Time seemed to slow down as Levi kissed your pink lips passionately. You stood there frozen and wide eyes displayed on your face. Millions of thoughts shot through your head as Levi grunted in displeasure.

"Why aren't you kissing back?"His deep voice said, irritation tracing his voice. You just stared at Levi's cold grey eyes.

"Tch"Levi pulled away and walked over to his desk returning back to his paperwork. As if nothing just happened, you however was standing glued to that spot staring in mid space.

"(L/n) you're dismissed"You flinched at Levi's tone of voice. You put your head down as you walked towards the door, opening it you were about leave until Levi stopped you.

"Stay away from fucking Jeager"


"Cadet (L/n) did you get anything about him?"Erwin entered in your temporary office. You shook your head not getting anything from thinking about Levi and Eren to much.

"Hm, I know about Eren and Levi"Erwin said. You sighed and placed your head on the wooden table. You heard Erwin chuckle in amusement as he rubbed your head making your hair get messed up.

"A-Ah!Stop that!"You yelled with a =.= face. That just made him smile even more.

"*Sigh*I don't know what to do"You mumbled quietly.

"Just follow your heart"Erwin said bluntly. You almost flinched at his bluntness or his cheesy advice.

"Wow, I totally didn't think of that"You stated sarcastically. Erwin gave you a playful glare before setting to leave.

"Get some sleep (Y/n), you need it"He shut the door leaving you back in the silence again.

xxxxxxx(2 Days After Avoiding Levi And Eren At All Costs)xxxxxxx

"(Y/n) I have discovered some information about Vaughn"Kaito came in the room with a file at hand. You were currently face first on the table sleeping.

Kaito smirks as you shuffled around in your sleep. He carefully placed the file on your desk and picking you up bridal style.

"Urghh"You mumbled on your sleep. Kaito silently chuckled as he walked out to the hallway and in the mess hall.

As he entered, all eyes were on Kaito and you asleep in his arms. All eyes, including Levi and Eren.

"Kaito, what are you doing with (Y/n)?"Mikasa asked him with narrowed eyes. Kaito shushed her up making her glare.

"Just follow"He walked outside the noon sun shinning brightly. You must've been really tired not to wake up at this point.


(Levi's POV)

'Where the hell is that brat taking (Y/n)?'I stood up from my seat and followed the mini crowd outside.

"What the hell is Cadet Shion doing with Cadet (L/n)?"I asked Cadet Arlert who was shaking beside me.

"I-I am not sure, Corporal"He stuttered. I tched before heading into the forest

where Shion was walking to.


"FUCK YOU KAITO!YOU SON OF A BITCH!"You screamed as you resurfaced the cold water. Kaito was on the floor laughing his ass off as you got out of the water.

Your (h/c) was sticking to the side of your face as you felt the cold air hit you.

"I'm going to kill you"You muttered darkly making Kaito stop laughing. He stood up with a 'Oh shit' look on his face.

You were about to pounce on him until you felt a strong arm grab your now soaked shirt from the back.

"Let me go Levi!"You pouted as you saw Kaito run into the crowd which you now notice.

"Tch, stop moving brat, your getting water on me"Levi said annoyed that his white crisp uniform was getting wet.

"Ugh"You stopped moving making him let go of you. You glared at him. Everyone was silent until a horse just had to speak.

"Nice bra (Y/n)"

"Fuck you Jean"


Falling For My Best friend Or My Corporal (Eren x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now