Chapter 39

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Feeling your body shut down. All you could see was darkness as you were left with just your thoughts. Suddenly, the darkness turned into a beautiful landscape. Rushing waters, a slow breeze making the trees sway. It...It looked just like heaven.  

'Huh?Where am I?'

I looked around the scenery, taking it all in. I looked at my body seeing myself in a white dress, and my arms and legs were free from any scars. Flawless as people would say. My mind felt hazy, as if its telling me that this is not right. Though, my body is telling me to accept the fact. The fact about what though?

"Oh (Y/n) my beautiful daughter"A familiar voice said behind me. I turned around seeing something I hadn't seen in years. Mom....Dad! I ran to them without a second thought, yearning to feel their warm embrace.

"I missed you so much"Tears sprouted from your eyes as they cascaded down your cheeks. Your body trembled as if its been in battle for years non-stop and it was finally tasting freedom.

"We did too, we love you so much....."Your mom patted your head like she used to making tears flood out faster than before. Smiling painfully, they let go of you.

"You've grown so much, ya little chipmunk"No doubt about it, Sammy popped up giving you a big hug. You playfully punched her shoulder wiping away the tears before she would notice and start to tease you.

"I see little (Y/n)'s not so brave anymore, she's crying"Sammy teased you imitating you crying. You playfully glared at her missing these moments.......

"Where are we?"The cheery mood suddenly turned serious. Sammy, mom and dad suddenly turned quiet.

".....(Y/n), we're in a place where we are finally free. Free from all the titans, free from......everything"Your father explained to you while Sammy and your mom was giving you peaceful smiles.

"A-Are we in....heaven?A-Am I dead?"The reality finally hits you. You would never be able to see your friends ever again. Eren, Levi, Armin even that hotheaded Mikasa.

"Sadly my dear"Your mom smiled sadly. You took a deep breath not wanting to accept whats happening, you couldn't be dead!

"I!.....I.....can't be dead!I promised everyone I would keep him safe!How am I suppose to do that when I'm dead!"You yelled, your knees feeling weak as you collapsed to the ground covering your eyes and shaking your head in disbelief.

"Don't worry (Y/n), this is a great place. Though, would you like to see your friends one last time?"Sammy placed a hand on your shoulder helping you up from the grassy terrain. Ears perking up to the question, you nodded your head without another thought. 


Landing on earth once again. You noticed that you were in in the Survey Corps territory. You looked back at Sammy who was now translucent, so she was invisible to everyone else. Meaning, you were translucent as well.

"Go ahead, I'll be close by"She said slightly pushing you to enter the castle like building. You nodded and started to walk to the doors. Taking a hold on the doo- whoops. Your hand went right through it. You made a confused face and looked at Sammy who rolled her eyes and told you that you were a ghost. So you could walk through the walls, cool!

"Okay?"Closing your eyes, you took a step and felt nothing. Slowly opening them, you noticed that you were now in the mess hall. You would have marveled about how cool it was that you could now walk through walls but the gloomy atmosphere had stopped you from doing so.

"Yesterday, in battle.....we lost the life of (Y/n) (L/n). She was a great soldier, friend and comrade"Erwin's voice was laced in pure sadness. 

Eren sat with Mikasa and Armin with a bandage on his head and looked as if he was about to cry. Not just him, everyone in the room looked as if they were about to cry. Even Levi, his grey eyes shinning in the light.

"They really miss you"Your (eye colour) eyes stared at Sammy's clear blue ones. They displayed regret, sorrow and pain.

"And you miss them I assume"You chuckled sadly. She suddenly nodded confusing you until you felt immense pain on your stomach. Your throat felt as if someone was squeezing it making it hard for you to breath. Trying to reach out to Sammy for help, she just smiled at you and said.

"Its not your time just yet"

For the second time that week, you died.


"Agfksmdww, owwwwww my sideee"Eyes flying open, you noticed a white sheet covering your vision. grabbing the sheet and throwing away from you. You were in the clinic of the SC along with other dead bodies lying on metal like beds with sheets over themselves. 

"This is creepy, I gotta get outa heree"You jumped off the metal like bed. I mid air you remembered about your sprained ankle and was waiting for the pain when you landed but it never came.

"Huh?"Checking it out, you noticed that you could normally walk and your left abdomen was completely fine. No blood, no stitches. It was sore, but other than that you were fine.

"Thank you Sammy~..............Thanks Mom, Dad. I'll really miss you"You smiled knowing that they would always look after you. Grinning like a mad man, and rubbing your hands together. Time to creep out people~


Woahhhhhh you died O_OOOO.....twice~ Aha~

Well.....I'm planning to make the next chapter the last chapter for this book since I'm going to make a part 2 for this book.

Soooooo~Thanks for reading!

Ja NE~

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