Chapter 30

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Disclaimer:I do not own any characters to be shown in this fanfic.


You sighed as you crumpled a piece of paper throwing it in the garbage can, successfully throwing it inside. You rubbed your aching head and set it down on the wooden desk. Erwin had given you a temporary office to work in while trying to figure out where Vaughn is. So far, no luck at all.

"I should probably go outside for a while" You mumbled under your breath. Slightly excited to seeing the sun again, you stood up from the wooden chair and walked over to the door. Swinging it open, you walked out.

"(Y/n)!Finally out huh?"Kaito's echoed in the empty hallways of the HQ. You groaned as you nodded your head. Kaito grinned and walked over to you, slinging his slender arm over your shoulders.

"Your perfect height (Y/n)"Kaito grinned as he looked at your adorable pouting face.

'She's so cute....'Kaito thought, he mentally smacked his head thinking that it could never happen since you saw his as a brother figure. You jabbed your elbow to Kaito's stomach with a smirk. He gave you a pained expression as you cover your mouth trying to contain the giggles.

"T-Thanks (Y-Y/n)"He moaned as he clutched his dying stomach.

"Anytimee"You patted his back as you walked away. Kaito looked at your walking figure as he felt his cheeks heat up.


After the encounter with Kaito you walked out the fields and checked on your friends. Everyone was upset with you and Kaito leaving but you promised them that it won't happen again.

"H-Hey (Y/n)"Armin stuttered as you walked out the dim and messy building. You waved hello to him and noticed that Eren was no where to be found. You tilted your head to the side and asked him where Eren is.

"Oh, erm... he still hadn't woke up yet"He said, your eyes widen in shock. Since you barely made any contact with the outside world for awhile, you didn't know what was happening anymore. How long has it been?....3-4 days?

"Thank you"You nodded and walked away from the blushing blonde boy. You walked back inside the building and immediately walked over to the infirmary. More like ran.

"Hello miss (L/n)"A lady older greeted you with a gentle smile. You modded your head then asking which room Eren was in. She told you and you walked over there.

"Eren?"You head popped in the room door, your (y/e/c) eyes roaming the place. They landed on the figure on the bed. You walked in the room and closed the door gently.

"Eren....."You mumbled under your breath as you looked at his injured face. Cuts and bruises were displayed. You wanted to punch yourself for bringing this onto him.

"You shouldn't have went through that"

Eren's figure kept still as if there wasn't even a soul in him. You felt tears prick the side of your eyes but pushing then back wanting to seem strong.

"(Y-Y/n)?....."Eren's groggy voice was heard as you sat down on a chair beside his bed. You sprang up holding his hand.

"Eren!"Tears that you so badly tried to hide cascaded down on your face, from happiness, anger and sadness.

"A-Are you there?R-Really t-there?"His eyes were fluttering trying so hard to open them up and see. You nodded your head even if he couldn't see you.

"Of course I am Eren, of course"Eren sighed happily and tried to sit up his eyes fully open and looking right at you. You wiped away your falling tears and tried to smile for him.

"I'm glad"He smiled at you, that line just made you burst into more tears as you clutched his body against yours. You felt him pat your back and ran circles around it with his fingers. You looked back at Eren tears still falling. Suddenly you felt pressure upon your lips.....

'I'm kissing Eren.......'Your mind was stunned as you stared at Eren's closed eyes. He leaned back with a faint blush on his cheeks. He scratched the back of his neck with a small smile.

"I-I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me"Eren lied. He wanted to kiss you so bad, and that's what he did.

"It's......its fine"You mumbled still fazed by the kiss. You slowly untangle his arms from your waist and stood up not seeing his shocked/hurt expression.

"Uh...I'm glad your awake....But I should go, I have a lot of work to do, I'll go and tell Mikasa and Armin that your awake"You said awkwardly while walking to the door. Eren tried to say something but you were already out.


"I kissed.........."You didn't even realize you said that out loud until a certain shorty stopped you.


'Oh shit'


Eren finally made a move!!!!YAYYYYYYYYY!

Butttt what will Levi think of that?hmmmmm?

Find out in the next chappyyyyyyy~~


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