Chapter 7

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Disclaimer:I do not own any characters to be shown in this fanfic

There is some Levi x Reader XD.

Spoiler alert:Were going to have quite a lot of Levi x Reader(Just saying)

P.s-If you are confused about your age, every one in the 104th trainee squad is around 17-18 years old with you being 18 and Eren being 18 as well, I know they are like 16 in the anime but I wanted you and them to be a little bit older(So that the reader and Levi can have moments too!:P)



You saw the man named Levi look at Armin and a passed out Eren in Armin's grasp, your mouth parted slightly in disbelief.

"Le-Levi?"You stuttered, he looked at you with a glare, but it immediately changed into a shocked one.

"(Y/n)?Is that you?"He says while you nod your head. You look flushed at him while looking at his matured face.

Snapping out of your trance, you jumped off of the titans back and onto the ground, Levi doing the same. You landed on the ground with a thud suddenly feeling arms wrap around you, it was Levi. 

You wrapped your arms around him feeling him snuggle on your neck. You take in his scent, it still stayed the same.

You see, you had known Levi because he had actually saved you. A very long time ago.

xxxxxx(Flashback about 4 years ago(Your around 13 -14 years old here))xxxxxx

A smaller version of (Y/n) was walking around the market doing her weekly groceries shopping.

You clutched your bag and continued to scroll around for the items needed. So absorbed in shopping, you didn't even notice that is was starting to get dark out.

You look up at the sky after checking your checklist again. The sun was going down and the people were starting to leave. Your small legs hurried your walk not wanting to be out when it was dark.

You were walking to the direction of a small hole on the wall that you used to get in the first place. All you needed to do was get through an ally way and turn right, easy?It was already pitch black at this point and the street light near the ally way was flickering, you tried to calm your fast beating heart.

'Calm down (Y/n),you've done this a million times, nothing is going to happen this time right?'You thought while walking in the creepy, dark area. You slowly walked, looking around your surroundings. You were in the middle of the ally way when you heard laughter, you turned around to find a group of men walking past the opening. You silently prayed that they didn't see you, unfortunately one had spotted your shaking figure.

"Hey pretty lady, wanna come with us?"A man said while walking in. Catching his friends attention making them come in as well, you looked at how many people are there and you counted 5 of them.

'Oh great'You thought while shaking your head in a no and backing away slowly. You dropped your bags knowing that sooner or later, your going to have to run away. You kept walking back until you felt something bump your back, you turned around quickly to find a man with a scar on his face smiling creepily down at you.

"Why not?"He says, you could smell the alcohol in his breath making you cringed at that. You felt hands grab your arms, you tried to shake the person off but their grip on you was strong and there was no sign of them loosening their grip on you.

'I'm going to die, today I will die' Tears were rushing down your eyes. You opened your eyes and used your last resort, screaming.

"HELP!HEL-"You shouted in hopes that someone would hear you but you were cut off harshly with a hard slap to your face. You felt a stinging sensation on your right cheek as the tears were still falling down. You looked at the ground losing hope.

You were about to give up until you heard a deep voice.

"What the hell do you think your doing?"You looked up to find a short man with a cold stare. He looked around 17-18 years old(I know Levi is like 34 in the anime but I refuse to belive that he is that age(He is to hawt to be 34 XD)so I'm making him 17 or 18 :P(He will be around his early 20's in original time)The men looked at him and shook him off, while you looked at him with pain in your eyes.

"Go away little boy"One of the men said to him while cracking his knuckles, but the boy just looked at him in disgust.

"Not until you release this lady"He says while glaring to the said man. His grey irises were flickering to look at you and the man. You could feel the man holding you back flinch a little, but their grip was still too strong.

"Oh yeah, and what are you going to do about it?"The leader taunted stepping forward to the shorter boy, he was at least 5 inches shorter the man but he still kept with his cold stare.

"Why don't we find out?"He says and a second later the man in front of him fell to the floor, he was clutching his stomach and was groaning in pain.

"Boss!"The other men shouted panicking, the man who was holding you back even let go of you.

"G-Get him"He pointed to the man who did this to him, he just smirked at them.

You closed your eyes and walked back until you hit a wall behind you. You lean back and slid down the wall making your bum hit the floor. you could hear punches and kicks happening, but you kept your eyes closed not wanting to see what happened. Hearing a thud and someone groan in pain, you slowly open your eyes to see the short man still standing. He shook off some invisible dirt on his shirt with a blank face, he then looks at you.

You flinch a little and curled into a ball. You could hear him walk to you as you shook in fear.

"P-P-Please d-don't hurt m-me"You stuttered while he crouched down in front of you. He touched your chin and lift it up making you look at him. You looked at him and surprisingly he had a small little smile oh his handsome face.

"I'm not going to hurt you"He says while wiping off tears the tears that fell. You blush at the close contact between you and him.

"Y-Your not?"You ask and he just nodded in return.

"What's your name?"He asks you while grabbing your hand and making you stand up with him, he still held your hand.

"(Y/n)"You say quietly making you think if he got it and fortunately he did.

"My name is Levi"

You looked at him for a moment before hugging him suddenly, you felt him flinch but he relaxed and hugged you back (Omg, hugging a stranger??Oh well it's Levi ;)

"Thank you Levi"You mumble.

"You welcome"

That was the meeting of Levi and you. You two decided that you would see each other every single week and catch up on life. You had found out that Levi was a thug but it didn't mind you at all.

You two got so close that you even told him about your special 'abilities'. You were worried at first that he wouldn't accept you but he did. Him keeping the secret to the grave. You kept meeting up until he suddenly stopped. You waited a couple of times but when he didn't show up at all it saddened you thought that he had been killed, making you miss him dearly.

xxxxx(Present time)xxxxx

You let go of Levi after remembering your flash back. You look at him with your shimmering (y/e/c) eyes as you were about to say something until you felt something blunt hitting you in the back of your head. You fell down only to be caught by Levi. 

The last thing you saw was Levi's angered face.


Hey!So this was basically a Levi x Reader chapter :)

I definitely promise that there will be Eren x Reader moments in the next chapter

So stay in tune and Bye!


Falling For My Best friend Or My Corporal (Eren x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now