Chapter 35 And An(A/N(So much A/N's lately >_>)

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Yo!Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, before ya get readin to this storyyyyy!!!!!


Calmmmm, clammmmm. Breathhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Woh....I kinda lost my self back there, hah. You don't know how many red squiggly lines there are when I'm writing this. Heh...............Anyway~Back to the topic of The Maze Runner(*Cough*Newt*Cough*)

Soooo~~~~~For all my The Maze Runner fans out there(And if your not, check it out!Its so GOODDDD!(You saw my freak out over there >~>)Plus!We totally need more TMR fanfictions!)I'm really 'fancying' this story by _Miss_Undead_. Its called, Greenie (Newt x Reader), its a cool twist that actually involves other females! O~O, but don't worry, your still the star!(Of course ya narcissistic bich JK JK JK JK JK JK BESTIESSSSS!!!!!!!!:'DDDD)  

Myself, loves that story so go on over there and read it!You'll have a big kick at it!........Erm.....I should probably start the chapter...............:D

Disclaimer:I do not own any characters that will appear in this fanfic soooo.....................

Greenie (Newt x Reader):

Author of that fab story:_Miss_Undead_


"Tortured in there"You could still hear screams in your head at this very moment.





"(Y/n)!Are you okay?!?!?They didn't do anything while I was gone right?"Kaito took your small hands into his as he examined your exhausted 8 year old body. 

(Damn, you had a really rough childhood!Finding out you were adopted, tortured sister now your being tortured!WOW!Stupid Author huh?o_o)

"N-No"You lied worried about Kaito more since he came in the room with a busted lip, a black eye and cuts all around his arms and legs. 

"Oi, you over there. Come here"A male way older than the children here pointed to the 6 year old girl hunched in the corner. She flinched as her deep blue eyes filled with tears. Her face already had plenty of cuts and bruises. The little girl sat frozen on her spot not moving. The guy soon got frustrated and growled walking to where the girl was.

He was about to grabbed her until you decided to do something. Something to finally stop this.

"Stop!"Your 8 year old body stomped over to the girl and stop in front of her arms outstretched. Protecting her. The man gave you a harsh glare that made your spine shiver but you refused to back down. Instead you gave him the same glare, harsher even.

"Move away little girl"He grabbed your arm and was about to pull you away until you kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. BAM!He was down groaning and muttering curse words. 

"Hey, hey you okay?"You turned to the shaking 6 year old and talked to her with your raspy, much needed water voice. She looked up at you before hugging you tightly. Crying.

"Shhh, shhh everything will be alright"You patted her back trying to sooth her cries. You looked over at Kaito whose eyes were wide in shock and fear. 

"Let's get outa shall we?"


"Ohhhhhh, even as a child (Y/n) was still a bad-ass?"Jean said in such a shocked tone. Kaito gave him a >_> look.

"Really!In the whole story, you just got that!.......But yea, she was and still is"

"I'm right here ya know"You made an un-amused face at Kaito who laughed awkwardly. You pushed yourself off the wall and walked over to Erwin and Levi. 

"If you want Kaito and I to show where his den is. We need to get going as soon as possible"Levi raised a brow making you continue. 

"*Sigh*Its outside the walls"........Again =.=.


Hah, this chapter was basically a filler chapter..........So.........Yah. The next chapter will definitely have stuff. If you can say that. But yeah.......BYEEEE!

JA NEEE!!!Thx for readingggggg!!!

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