Chapter 23

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Disclaimer:I do not own any characters to be shown in this fanfic


(Unknown Place)

"Sir, she has been spotted"The voice of a male said. Another male in the shadows(so cliche)smirked as he looked at the file on his desk.

"(Y/n) (L/n) The Titan Princess"


(Third POV)(Survey Corps HQ)

"Eghhhh, do I really have to train today?"You stuffed your face on the white pillow of your not so comfortable bed.

"Yes, now let's go"Mikasa soft voice said. She was trying to pull you out of bed, but was failing miserably. Considering she was one of the strongest members in the Survey Corps.

"Why are you do heavy?"She asked under her breath, thinking that you didn't hear her. A plan started stirring up inside your head, you looked at her sharply freaking her out slightly but didn't show much emotion about it.

"Are you callin me fat?"You asked her with an eyebrow raise. Mikasa's eye widen as a faint blush grew on her face.

"E-Eh no!(Y/n) I didn't mea-"She stopped when she heared your loud laughter. You clutched your stomach as you laughed.

"Hahaha!You should have seen your fa-.Eh?Why is it suddenly cold in here?"You stopped laughing and clutched your cold arms, the temperature had suddenly dropped. You looked at Mikasa as you sat up from the bed and felt shivers run down your back.

Mikasa was giving you one of her famous glares that could kill a whole entire army. If looks could even kill.

"A-Aha~Well....uhhh I'ma go and ummm RUN NOW!"You screamed the last part as you jumped off your bed and bolted to the door. You slammed your door open and ran out, Mikasa hot on your trail. She didn't have any emotion at all, just pure...hatred.

"Oi!Mikasa, I was kiddin!"You shouted loudly, probably having the whole entire HQ hear you. You turned into a corner that would lead into the mess hall with lots of people. Maybe she won't kill you there?

You could hear Mikasa's loud footsteps getting closer and closer. You bit the inside of your cheek and burst in the mess hall catching everybody attention, but you could care less about that right now. 

"Eren!Halp mehhhh!"You screamed as you grabbed his shoulder and hid behind him. Eren gave you a suprised look before engulfing you in a tight hug. (Damn!You've been getting lotssss of hug from Eren :3)

"E-Eh I can't...breathhh"You wheezed out. Eren's grip just seem to tighten even more. You patted his head awkwardly since all eyes were on the two of you. Even Mikasa stopped chasing you and stared at your sweet moment.

"Don't ever do that ever again"Eren's muffled voice said. You scrunched your eyebrows what he was talking about. After a few second you figured that he was probably talking about things that happened outside the walls.

"Well, that wouldn't make me, me if I didn't"You said cheekily. Eren looked at you with his big turqouise eyes and smiled.

"Uhhhh, can you let go of me now. So I can run away from crazy Mikasa"Mikasa flinched when she heard your statement. Her murderous glare coming back.

"(Y/n)~~Come to me now~"Mikasa said yandere style. You grinned at her and backed away slowly putting your hands infront of you.

"Hehehehe, Sorry?"


Dun!I soo sorry for not updating in like forevar!!!!


Thank for reading!

Ja Ne!!


(P.S-You guys shall be called "The figiers!")

Goodbye mah figiers!

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