Chapter 26

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Disclaimer:I do not own any characters that will appear in this fanfic.


(Eren's POV)

"Eren, hurry up we've been gathered at the mess hall"Armin's soft voice told me. I blinked for a few second before nodding wondering why we were being gathered at the mess hall.

As me and Armin went inside the mess hall everyone was there, but (Y/n) and Kaito. I sat beside Mikasa who had her stotic look, though it was mixed with another emotion.....anger?

"Mikasa what happened?"I asked her quietly, but she just ignored me and kept looking forward. I sighed and looked forward.

"Thank you for coming"Erwin started off. Levi was beside him having the same expression as Mikasa, anger showing but still emotionless.

"Last night, two of our soldier has flee off"Erwin said, making everyone gasp including me. Who were the two soldiers, why did they leave?

"The names are Kaito Shion and (Y/n) (L/n)"...............What?

(Y/n)?No way, she would never leave us right?

"Why?"A random person shouted

"We don't know that, but this is why we are having search parties going outside the walls to look for the two"Levi answered for Erwin. I sat there shocked on my spot, she really didn't leave.....did she?


"Oi!Kaito get back here!"You yelled as you ran around the trees. You and Kaito have been outside the walls for about 6-8 hours now and things have been going smoothly until a group of titans suddenly came from hiding and decided to chase you around.

Kaito was ahead of you and you could hear his loud and rapid footsteps. Your eyebrows furrowed as you felt sweat trickle down the side of your face.

"Run up a tree!"You shouted before you ran up a tall tree. Panting when you got up there you looked around the tree branches seeing if Kaito was anywhere to be found. You let out a loud sigh when you saw certain blue haired male run up a tree and onto a branch.

"Thank god"You mumbled under your breath as you jumped off the branch and hooked your wires of your 3MDG to the branch that Kaito was on.

When you got on the branch you trashed your 3DMG since there was no more gas left and the swords were dull from killing few titans that got close to you while you were running. Leaving you unable to zipp around the trees and escape that way.

"What you did there, was stupid and unreasonable"You told him with an annoyed look. Kaito looked down accepting your rant. You sighed before patting his blue hair making him look up at you.

"Just don't do it again"You told him with a small smile. It's funny how you used to do this before, act like a mother when he did stupid things.

"Okeee"Kaito grinned going back to his usual self. You smiled and looked down the horde of flesh eating humans.

"Now, to figure out how to get away from this never ending hell hole"You tapped your chin thinking about a plan. You looked around the area looking for anything or anyone that can help you.

"Do you still have gas in your 3DMG?"You asked Kaito who was also thinking about a plan. He checked his gas canister and shook his head.

"No"He said, you sighed before nodding. Just then, you felt something burn on your collarbone. Your hands quickly went to your neck and felt something solid and hot. You lifted it up and saw that it was the necklace that your father gave you the day that you left.

You took off the glowing neck lace and stared at it with a confused look.

"(Y/n) look, the ring my father gave changed into dual swords"Kaito looked at me while showing his blue and white swords. Your eye widen as you look at the beautifuly hand crafted swords.

"(Y/n)!Your hand it''s glowing!"Kait shouted while pointing at the hand that held the necklace. You quickly looked down and saw that it was glowing, a white bright light shined then two swords appeared out of thin air. 

(The picture)

You looked at the swords in amzement. They were silver and red in colour, it had a spiky design at the base of the swords making it almost look demonic. You looked up at Kaito and grinned mischevously.

"Okay, let's kill these mother fuckers"

You and Kaito ran off the tree branch free falling into a puddle of man eating monsters. You held out your swords to the side and started twirling fast. You saw a blur of Kaito doing the same, just like old times.


"Wowww, that was pretty close"You said as you cleaned your blades on your white (now blood soaked) shirt. You and Kaito just went past a heaving battle with titans having plently of close calls. To much to count.

"Yeah, to close for comfort"Kaito grinned, you wiped off the last bit of blood off your new swords and suddenly it disappered your necklace in place. You looked over at Kaito and saw that his swords disappered leaving his ring.

"Weird"You smiled awkwardly before feeling imeanse pain in your head. You fell onto the ground while clutching your head not hearing Kaito scream your name.

'Come back (Y/n), we've got your friends'

Falling For My Best friend Or My Corporal (Eren x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now