Chapter 22

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Disclaimer:I do not own any characters to be shown in this fanfic


(Eren's POV)

After hours of hours of riding. We finally stopped and rested on a tree branch. I was worried for (Y/n) sake, but I tried to calm myself down by saying that she'll be fine by herself.

"Eren, are you okay?"Mikasa soft voice asked me. I looked at her for a moment before nodding and looking at the direction that we seperated from (Y/n).

'(Y/n), please be safe'


(Your POV)

"Ugh this sucks"You mumbled under your breath as you walked in the green fields of the world beyond the walls.

Your 3DMG had no gas left so you just ditched it in the forest. Well it wouldn't really help you either way. So, basically you were outside the walls defenseless.......well not really that defenseless. You wiped the sweat away from your forehead with your hand and sighed.

"I hope everyone else is safe"You said to yourself as you spotted at titan far off. It wouldn't see you so you were fine. 

You were much closer to the walls and there wasn't much titans coming and trying to eat you yet, thankfully. Only a few more hours of walking and you would hit the walls. You kept your head up and just walked.

(Time Skip)

"Why you trying to ruin things?"You mumbled under your breath as you hid behind a tree in the forest. You were so close to the walls, all you had to do was pass the forest. Easy right?Easy my ass, titans just had to pop up and ruin your day.

A 7 metre titan was walking around the area looking for food. Near it, was a 9 metre one that was doing the same. You grtitted your teeth while you concluded a plan. You were to exhausted to transform or use your abilities, so those two options was a nono.

You were really thinking about running it and screaming like an idiot hoping that someone from the walls would hear you and rescue you(That wouldn't have worked, obviously -_-)when you noticed something shiny on the ground to the right. You bit your lip taking the chance to run to it and grabbing the slightly heavy(for you)object then hiding again.

"Holy shiet, never do that again"You mumbled under your breath as you panted slightly. You looked at your hands and saw a slightly dented 3DMG with a half a tank of gas left. You grinned like an idiot as you strapped on the gear to yourself. 

You zipped yourself up to a tree and slammed the handles to the canisters beside your hips to retrive the swords. You lifted your 'swords' up to find a unpleasant suprise.THERE WERE NO SWORDS, JUST THE EMPTY SWORDLESS HANDLES!

"Oh shiet, oh shiet, at least they haven't notic-Opps nevemind, I'm so dead"You said to yourself as the two titans ran to you with their hungry mouths open.

"No use sticking around here for"You bolted off the branch while looking back at the running titans. You looked forward and thought about a quick plan in your head.

"Okay, the plan.Ummm go to the walls and scream for help?"You passed a large tree where a titan that was on the shorter side came up. 

"Great~Just great~ 3 titans"You mumbled under your breath as you looked below you and saw the mini-titan trying to catch you and eat you.

"Oh I hope works"You burst out of the forest and grappled your hooks onto the side of the grey large wall. You hope that the force was strong enough to stab the thick wall. You closed your eyes and expected to fall into a titan's mouth, when you didn't feel yourself falling to your death. You slowly opened your eyes and grinned like a mad man.

Falling For My Best friend Or My Corporal (Eren x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now