Chapter 17

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Disclaimer:I do not any characters to be shown on this fanfic


(3 weeks later)

You were guarding the walls. You walked around the walls and looked down and saw titans clawing the walls looking at you trying to reach for a meal. You gave an digusted face and turned your head way from those titans.

"Ugh, sons of bitches"You said while walking away from the frustrating sight. You sat down on a box and wondered if you and Eren were going to be sent to the military branch but it seems as if you weren't since its been 3 weeks since you captured the female titan.

You then wondered about your parents if they were still alive. Well your real parents, they were titan hunters so you guessed that they were fine.

You felt so stressed out that you didn't notice someone calling for your name.

"Cadet (L/n)!Corporal Levi and Commander Erwin has called for you. They want you to go to the Survey Coprs HQ immediately"A boy said with brown hair and green-ish eyes said. He kinded of reminded of Eren.

You stood up from the box and nodded your head mumbling a thank you. You then procceded to jump off the the walls and lached on a near by building and swinging yourself up the air.

You zipped around the building fast pretending as if there was a titan following you. That always got your blood boiling in excitement.

You directed your self to the head quarters where the outside was filled with trees. When you reached the forest you zipped around the trees drawing your swords out hoping that you would find some titan dummies before you went inside the castle like building. 

"Ohhhh found one~"You said in a sing song voice as you spotted a 'titan', you zoomed to it and did Levi's signature move perfectly. Of course turning your blades so that they would be pointing to the back instead of the front to do it.

You stopped and landed on a brach to check if cut was deep enough. You grinned as you saw the cut being one of the most perfect cuts you have ever done.

'Yay~'You mentaly cheered as you jumped of the branch and started zipping throught the trees once more. You could see the castle as you excited the forset. You shoot your wire to a tree branch but it......missed.

It was so fast that the next thing you knew was that you were face first to the ground like this:

"A-Ahh, owww"You mumbled onto the dirt. You stayed there face first on the dirt not wanting to stand up until remembering about the dirt that would probably mess up your shirt and Levi pestering you about it. You stood up slowly from the pain and clutched your back.

"Mah hip"You said while massaging your hip bone with a pained expression. You heard gasps all around you. You stopped walking and looked at the voices and saw your friends and other people that you didn't know. 

"(Y-Y/n) a-are you okay?That looked like a pretty harsh fall"Amrin stuttered, you just gave them a blank stare and nodded your head continuing to 'walk' to the castle.


You knocked on Erwin's office door standing up a little more straighter since your hip was better. You took off your 3DMG in your room so you could massage your hip bone much better while walking to Erwin's office.

"State your name and business"A muffled voice was heard throught the door.

"(Y/n) and you called me here"You said with a monotone voice.

"Come in"He said, you grabbed the door handle and pushed it open revealing Levi and Hanji standing beside the siting Erwin.

"Hello sirs"You said while taking a seat infront of his desk slowly pain resulting on your face.

"Hello (Y/n) are you okay what happened?"Erwin said worry trailing in his voice. In a way Erwin was like a older brother to you. 

"Eh I'm fine, just fell face first on the ground"You said bluntly as if that happends everyday.

"Tch clumsy brat"Levi said making you playfully glare at him. A faint smile in return, if you squint that is.

"Okay?"Erwin said unsurely. You just nodded your head with a smile.

"So what did you call me here sir?"You said while leaning on the chair relaxing a little bit.

"Yes, we have a special mission for you and some other cadets to do outside the walls"He said with a serious face, you nodded sternly.


"It will be just you, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean"He said, you sat there slightly shocked.

"What?What about you or Levi and Hanji"You said after recovering from your shock.

"No, this is something that you must do alone with your peers"

"Okay, what do we need to do?"


You walked out the door from Erwin's office letting out a shakey breath. You were going out the walls and you were calling out the calls making you the team leader. So that means every death......comes to you.

"Damn"You muttered under your breath while walking outside to tell Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and jean about this.

You opened the door to the leading outside and spotted Eren's group minus Jean and yourself laughing out loud. You mentally sighed and walked to them. 

"Hey guys"You said

"Hey (Y/n)!"They yelled out minus Mikasa who just nodded her head.

"I need to tell you guys something, Armin can you call Jean over here?"You said making Eren slightly get angry still not over the Jean 'moment' with you.

"Why that horse-face?!?"Eren whispered/said to you . You shook your head and told him to just wait so you could explain every thing when he's here.

Armin came back with Jean who was smirking at you and slightly blushing because of Mikasa.

"So (Y/n), why did you call me over?"Jean said leaning in to get closer to your face and wiggling his eyebrows. You placed your hand over his face and pushed him back.

"Not now horse-face"You said with a serious look making the atmosphere serious.

"Commander Erwin told me about a mission outside the walls that we need to do"You said while looking at all of them reactions. Armin turning paler than usual. Eren's shocked face. Mikasa stone cold face and Jeans confused one.

"Huh?okay"Jean said slightly confused as to why this was such a secret.

"No I mean we are going alone"That line made him widen his eyes.




Thanks fo readin!



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