Chapter 40(Last Chapter)

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Hey guyzzzzz~This will be the last chapter to this book. I assure you that there will be a next book, a sequel to this series. Cause I realized that there are so many plot holes here....hehheee. I mean, you just found out that your Titan Princess, Vaughn still hasn't been caught. So on.

So I'm going to make this a 2 book series. I do hope that you enjoyed reading this series, and you are looking forwards to the next book. If ya don't well............okay then.

P.s-Summer has ended for me, like LEGIT. School starts TOMORROW, LESS THAT 24 HOURS!T_TTT

P.p.s-Do you guys just get that feeling where, you just wanna be bad-ass and no have a love interest?Ya know?Like Elsa?Shes a queen. HELLA BAD-ASS WITH THOSE POWERS!?!?!BAM!Yet she doesnt have a king!Thaz coolll, I like that.


With a huge evil grin on your face. You walked out of the creepy chill giving morgue and into the room where they treat the injured patients. When the nurses spotted you, they fainted. Well..........meh.

"M-Miss (L/n)?H-H-Ho-How a-agfjwomw"A nurse asked you before passing out like the rest. Soldiers that were being treated thought you were some kind of spirit with unfinished business and started chanting weird ass things like. 'Be gone spirit!Rest in peace!!!!!!!!'

"Weirdos"You muttered under your breath as you ran out of there. Deciding to check the mess hall since it was lunch time. Sneaking around the place like an (ijot) ninja. Humming, what you thought was a ninja tune. You reached the mess hall doors.

"Time to make my grand entrance~"

"BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Slamming the door open, arms up in the air a ghost?With a ridiculous pose on, you noticed that the cafeteria you normally ate in was empty.

"Agh, I put so much energy in the pose already, where is everyone"You made an un-amused face while storming to your next location. Outside.

Opening the doors leading to the outside, you saw everyone doing hand to hand combat. No one seemed to have noticed you, so you walked to the nearest person you saw. Who was your blonde headed friend Armin.

"Hey Armin, lets spar"

"Of course (Y/n).......(Y/n)!!Wh-"Next thing you knew Armin was on the floor unconscious. Staring at him, and eye twitching. Again?



"(Y-Y-Y/N)!!!!!!!!!!!!!*Faints*" '=.=


"How are you alive?"Erwin sat down behind his desk elbows on the wooden armrest of his chair. You thought for a moment before shrugging your shoulders. You had a pretty clear idea as to what happened.....but, you would sound crazy if you told him the things you saw.

"Does that mean you just.....magically...woke up?"Erwin wondered his stare intensifying.

"I don't know, maybe?"You shrugged your shoulders once again. He rubbed his head in confusion before nodding.

"I guess its just not your time just yet"He said with his rare smile. You sighed happily.

"I guess not"

*Knock, knock*

"State your name and business"Erwin said slightly confused as he hasn't scheduled a meeting with anyone this afternoon.

"Levi Ackerman and Eren Jeager, personal matters sir"Levi stated strongly while Eren mostly whimpered. How adorable.

Erwin rose and eyebrow before telling you to hide in the closet. Eh....the closet.....WTF!ERWIN! Mr.Eyebrows pushed you in the closet then sitting back on his chair producing a quiet squeak as he sat down.

"Come in"His voice was slightly muffled due to the door. Pressing your ear against the door being careful not to apply to much pressure and revealing yourself.

"C-Captain"Eren stuttered probably saluting with it. Levi stayed quiet making you think he just did his usual nod.

"Take a seat"You could hear the smirk in Erwin's voice, as if he knew where this talk was leading to. After a few screeches of the chair being dragged against the floor, it became silent once again. Slightly shifting into a more comfortable position. You sat of the floor cross legged ear still against the door.

"What shall I assist you with?"Erwin leaned back on the chair, Eren fumbled with his thumbs while Levi looked around Erwin's office arms crossed with his famous stone cold look.

"We need you to settle an argument between the two of us"Levi said with his usual bored tone of voice. Erwin's bushy eyebrow quirked up mentally smirking while poor you was wondering what could the argument be about.

(Tch, tch, so dense little readerrrr-chan~Don't worry I still <3 you~~~)

"Well?"Erwin broke the short silence causing Eren to flinch a little. Levi tched rolling his eyes.

"W-Who....who would (Y/n) choose, m-me or Levi?"Eren said looking at the floor. Erwin made a shocked face hiding a sly smile. On the other hand, you covered your mouth before you could make a sound giving you away.

"Shitty brat!When you say it that way, it sounds stupid!"Levi cursed at Eren ignoring the blush rising on his pale cheeks. Unlike Eren whose face was bright red.

"Aren't asking the wrong person this?"Erwin smirked knowing that you were listening to their conversation.

"Shouldn't Cadet (L/n) answer that question?Right (Y/n)?"Hearing your name leave Erwin's lips, as if your legs had mind on their own. You sprang up hitting your head on the shelf above you. Walking out, you clutched your head while muttering vodoo shit under your breath. Who knows, that shelf might be cursed!

"Are you okay?"Erwin asked with a non-sympathetic voice. Instead he sounded like he was trying not to laugh.

"Just peachy"You muttered sitting on the chair beside Levi who was boring his eyes on your skull. Eren however tried his best not to land his eyes on your figure but failed miserably.

"So......You heard right?"Eren mumbled awkwardly, but cutely you may add. Your cheeks flushed in a light pink colour as you scratched your nape nodding your head up and down.

"Well?"Levi said with an impatient voice. You gulped nervously looking down at the floor as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"I choose......"


OHH CLIFFIE!!!Gotta wait for da next book to comeee~~~ ;))

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this series, it sure as hell was a lot of fun to write. But I do hope that you understand that Figster needs a little break. But, by Halloween (cross your fingers)I will be back for a new BOOK!

For the last time in a while.............JA NEE!

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