Chapter 13 (The 57th Expedition Part 2)

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Hey!Hi!To excited to write the story~

Listen to this song (Call Your Name(On the side) with the story it fits perfectly

Disclaimer:I do not own any characters to be shown in this fanfic


You were standing still on the tree branch bored out of your mind*Yawn*You have met with Jean, Reiner, Armin and Krista recently. Since they were assinged to kill any titan coming in the forest you decided to help them instead of going in. So now you were standing on a tree branch with nothing to do.

"Ehhhh I'm bored~"You say while carving the tree with your sword in multiple patterns. You looked at Jean with a bored look.

"(Y/n) stand guard!"Jean told you, you looked at him with a 'Are you serious look?' and looked onward the flat lands. You were just about to sit down, lean back and fall asleep until your heard someone yell something.

"5-meter coming!"You look around, your eyes filled with anticipation. You saw a short titan running with a stupid smile on its face. You smiled widely as you ran off the tree branch and hooked your wires to a tree closer to the titan.

You twisted yourself to the right and mimicked Levi signature move which you accomplished perfectly. You killed the titan easily then hooked your wire to a branch afterward. You used a little bit of your gas to propel up and landed on the tree branch. You felt everyone's eyes on you but you didn't care.

You felt more energized and happy. You looked at Jean and smiled until you heard loud BOOMS going around the forest. You flinced at the sound and looked at your friends. They looked right back at you.

"What was that?"Jean questioned, you looked down unable to answer the question.

"I'll go check it out"You say as you were about go to the sound. You were about to jump off the tree until you heard Jean call out to you.

"(Y-Y/n), don't die"Jean said, you looked at him and nodded your head. You jumped off the tree branch and hooked on a near by branch.


You zipped around the trees for a few minutes until you heard a loud screech. You landed on a tree branch and covered your ears as the sound got louder.

'What the hell is that?'You thought as you closed your eyes and covered your ears. When you heard the screeching stop, you heard loud footsteps coming your direction. You looked around and saw titans running towards you. You got your swords out as a titan approached you, you were about slice the titans at the neck but it just passed you.

"What?"You mumbled under your breath. You looked at the titans and decided to follow them. They were running in fast speeds but you managed to keep up. You zipped around the trees almost falling once or twice. Then saw the female titan being.......eaten?By other titans.......What?!?Around all that was people trying to kill the titans and Erwin standing on a tree branch with a shameful look on his face. You zipped on the tree branch that he was on and landed on it gracefully.

"What the hell is going on?!?"You yelled out. Erwin looked at you with a shocked expression, but returned back to his shameful look.

"We tried to capture the female titan......."Erwin said trailing off. You looked at him and sighed, you were about to go and help the people fight the titans off until you felt a hand on your shoulder stopping your tracks.

"No..."Erwin said, you looked at him for a while before staying put on your spot. Just by looking at Erwin's eyes you already knew that he was going to retreat.

"TROOPS RETREAT!FALL BACK IN FORMATION!RETURN TO KARANER DISTRICT!"Erwin yelled out loudly. You looked around with a emotionless stare and saw Levi against a tree to your right.

"Levi!Where's Eren?"You ask him with a worried look. He looked back at you with a blank stare that kinda pierced your heart slightly. You shivered slightly but stood your guard.

Levi looked at you and pointed to the direction that he was in without saying anything. You looked at Levi once more and sighed before going to refill your gas tank and changing your swords. When you left you swore your heard a sad sigh somewhere but you ignored it thinking that it was just your imagination.

After you finished with that, you bolted in the direction that Eren was in. You zipped around the trees faster than before, you needed to make sure that Eren was safe or Mikasa would kill you......Yeah that was the only reason.........

You zipped around the forest looking for any sign on Eren or Levi's squad. You jumped off a branch and saw Levi squad + Eren.

"Eren!"You yelled out as you landed on the tree branch stumbling along the way.

"I am so glad your safe"You say panting a little bit.

"(Y/n)!I thought I lost you!"Eren yelled out, you blushed at what he said. After Eren realized what he said he slapped his hand over his mouth. You chuckle a little bit as you saw his face turn red.

"E-Eh sorry"Eren said while looking down .

"No problem, I thought I lost you too"You say shyly. You saw Eren face turn red and you smiled a little bit. You then looked at the others to find them smirking widely

"Ugh stop it"You say to them, they stopped smirking but it was clear that they were not going to let go of this.


Hey!Another chapter updated!

Did you like the song that I had included cause I LOVE IT!IT SOUND AMAZING!BRING ME TO TEARS!

Uhhhhh.........awkward.............Thanks for reading and Bye!


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