Chapter 11

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Disclaimer:I do not own any characters to be shown in this fanfic


It was a sunny and perfect day, you sighed as you wiped the window with a (well what used to be a) white rag. You used your 3DMG and hooked on the side of the wall to hang off and be able to clean the harder to reach places. You saw other cadets clean as well, but nearest to you were three girls. One had long black straight hair and bangs to the right side, the other one also had black hair but it was wavy. As for the last one she had blonde straight hair with black tips and black highlights. All three of then were cleaning and they all had serious faces on them. So you decide to have so fun and clean at the same time. You zipped down closer to them and chat.

"Hey!"You say to the three, they looked at you and smiled.

"Eyyy"The one with long black hair said to you.

"Hiii"The other one with black hair said.

"Why is the 3DMG so heavy?Oh hi!"The blonde/ black haired girl said.

You smiled to them and started chatting and cleaning. You found out their names. The one with long black hair with bangs was Gianella. The girl with black wavy hair was Samantha and for the girl with blonde/black hair was Julia. You also found out that all three had crushes but you only figured out two of them. You found out Gianella's crush since she kept doing glances at this kid named....Nick you think. As for Samantha she just blurted out her crush accidentally making you, Gianella and Julia laugh out loud. She had a crush on this guy named Shizuo and apparently they were childhood friends just like you and Eren. Your still trying to figure out who Julia likes though you think it's Jean. You also found out that these guys were hand picked for Hanji's squad earlier than they graduated. Since they loved to experiment on titans it made sense that they were picked for her.(This means that they were in training with you)You smiled as all four of you were having a great time, you haven't been very sociable with people especially with girls. Mikasa was the only girl friend that you had, so it was nice to have other girl friends too. You were in the middle of telling the girls a joke until your hear Levi yelling for you. You look down to find him telling you to get down cause we need to go somewhere. You looked at the girls with a confused expression before saying your goodbyes.

You zipped down to the ground and walked to him, you saw Levi's squad and Eren on their horses. You looked at Levi and asked him where your going but he just clicked his tongue.

"Just follow us"He said plainly, you looked at him slightly irritated but complied.

"Fine"You say while walking away to get your horse, you got up on him and looked at Levi.



(The next day)

You were cleaning once again because of Levi. Now, you were cleaning the bottom windows so you didn't need to use your 3DMG. As you and Julia were cleaning, you both were keeping an eye on Samanatha and Gianella since they were cleaning with their crushes. You raised your eyebrows and smirked as you saw Nick help Gianella with her 3DMG since it was malfunctioning. The two were in close proximity and you, Julia could clearly see that both of them were blushing like crazy. You were snickering silently as Nick accidentally tripped on a vine from the ground causing him I fall on top of Gianella causing then to turn even redder than before, if that was even possible. Julian then notices Samantha and Shizuo walking somewhere more private. They were holding hands and Samanatha was blushing like crazy. Julia taps your shoulder for you to turn to the pair and she smirked.

"Maybe, he's gonna confess"Julia said with a smirk, the smirk on your face grew even larger.

"Ohhhh"You say as they get out of sight, you looked back at Julia with a eyebrow raised and a smirk.

"Hey Julia~You have a crush on Jean? Don't you?" You say with a creepy smile. She looks at you with her eyes wide and blushes.

"Wh-What?No....."Julia says trying to convince you that she doesn't, thought the blush on her face tells another story.

"Sureeee~~~"You say while resuming to clean and a smirk on her face.

You were cleaning for about 30 minutes until you notice a group of people walking to the castle. You stared at them and figures out that they were your friends. You dropped the rag that you were cleaning with and ran to them. You spotted Armin and Mikasa and ran to them. You also spotted Eren there.

"Armin!Mikasa!"You say while tackling the two on a hug.


Hey!so the three winners have been revealed! I hope that I have caught your personality, if I haven't then please PM me!



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