Chapter 38

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Back for a new chapterrr!!This chapter may get a bit gory, considering the fact that this is when you fight Vaughn. Dun dun dunnnnn~~

Play the music on the top when I tell you to!


Reaching Vaughn's base, then shooting a flare up to alarm your comrades. You split off with Kaito while Levi went with Mikasa and Armin. Much to Levi's dismay. Muttering something along the lines off 'Why am I stuck with these brats'

"Deal with it Levi, (Y/n) whats the plan"Kaito asked you. Leaving out the 'sir' making Levi glare at Kaito.

"Kaito, you and I will take the front side we'll take on Vaughn, Levi, Armin and 'that' look at the back for a door. If you get in from there, find Eren and take him to safety"Levi 'tched' giving you a cold look.

"Your not taking on Vaughn with just the two of you"Levi said, you looked at Kaito who smirked at you.

"Oh, I think we can handle ourselves. Either way, we have unfinished business with him. Just focus on getting Eren back"You said finishing the conversation with walking off. Kaito nodding harshly following after you.  

The place looked the same. Painfully the same with what you remembered years ago. You didn't bother sneaking around the place. Vaughn had already known that you were coming for him. The element of surprise crushed.

Opening,(more like knocking down the door)the inside of this place hadn't changed one bit. Chains on the bloodied walls. Rusted tools on the old wooden table, faint whimpers and cries far off the distance. 

"Well, well, well I see little (Y/n) and Kaito had finally joined the party"Vaughn's voice could be heard, but he couldn't be spotted. Angered, you transformed your necklace into your dual swords. 

"Come out Vaughn!Unless your just being your petty self!"You hissed harshly. Vaughn chuckled and walked out blood dripping off the tips off his fingers. He had a smirk on his face as he flicked his right wrist the blood forming into a sword.

"W-What?"Kaito muttered under his breath, shocked. Your eyes widen as you felt an unknown force lift you up in the air. Your arms felt tense as they dropped your swords to the ground. Like you had no control over your body anymore.

"K-Kaito!What's happening!?!?!?!"You tried to look at Kaito but your head wouldn't allow you to. You could only look at Vaughn's menacing look on his face.

{Start the music here!}(I do hope it works, if it doesn't. Just listen to Vogel Im Kafig)  

"Blood-bending my dear"Suddenly you felt your body collide the wall. Groaning you sat up wiping the blood on the corner of your mouth. Vaughn 'smiled' and form his hand into a fist. The force came back, but this time. It felt as if it was squeezing your ribs.

"W-What do you want from us?"Coughing, you held a hand over your mouth. Something wet hit your hand and you immediately knew it was blood. 

"You, your powers......Titan Princess"Vaughn started walking to your weak figure. T-Titan Princess?Eh?Your eyes were struggling to stay open, that is until your senses suddenly kicked in, hordes and hordes of titan are coming this way.

"Hey!Get away from her!"Kaito tried to run to Vaughn with his swords up. Vaughn just whispered 'fool' and dispersed. As if he was never there. 

Regaining your breath, you clutched where your heart is focusing on breathing.

"(Y/n), (Y/n)!Are you okay?"

"E-Eren........G-Go get him......h-hurry!"Kaito ran to the nearest door and opened it with such force. It surprised you that it didn't fly off its hinges.

"Eren!"Kaito's eyes widen at Eren's bloody figure on the wooden chair. His wrists were tied up and so was his ankles preventing him from escaping. Kaito's swords turned back into his rings knowing that he would need both hands to carry Eren out of here. 

"K-Kaito?"Eren eyes cracked open revealing his dull teal-green eye colour. Kaito quickly untied him, then lifting him up flinging an arm over his shoulders supporting his weak statute.

"Let's go, we need to hurry"Kaito smiled weakly. Eren sighed in relief.

xxxxx(On your side, when Kaito was getting Eren)xxxxx

Closing your eyes for moment, you bit your lip as you stood up using the wall for support. Hissing in pain, you clutched your left abdomen feeling a sticky substance on there.

"When did he?Egh doesn't matter now does it?"You chuckled bitterly. Limping to your fallen swords, yeah you don't know how you have this sudden limp either.

" me"With a raised brow, your dual swords transformed back into your necklace. Then limped to where you heard the cries.

"Hello?Anyone here?I wont hurt you"Opening a door. You saw a small little girl that had (hair colour) hair and (eye colour) irises. Her blue dress was dirtied and ripped in multiple places. Her arms and legs were covered in bruises and dry blood. Seeing her in that state made you remember yourself.

"(Y/n)!What are you looking at?"You heard Levi's voice boom out startling you slightly. The little girl looked up at you and then......disappeared.

'Just my imagination'You looked back to see Levi, Armin and Mikasa at the door with confused looks on their face. You smiled painfully opening your mouth to say something, instead you fell on the floor knees first. 

"(Y/N)!"Arms enveloping your fragile form was the last thing you felt before blacking out. 



Idk what to say.......THANKS FOR READINGG!! JA NEEE!  

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