Chapter 27

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Disclaimer:I do not own any characters to be shown in thsi fanfic.


You and Kaito stood on the walls seeing something that you never wanted to ever again. Titans roamed inside the walls feeding. You could see new cadets zipping around the place with terrified looks on their faces. You gritted your teeth in anger as you thought that this was your fault. Leading him here.

Kaito hurringly ran down the wall. You followed him, you scaled down the wall and jumped off of it landing on one of the rooftops of a house.

Kaito rings changed into his dual swords, while your necklace changed into your dual swords. You and Kaito decided to split up and wanting to cover more ground. You ran on top of the rooftops slaying titan flesh as you passed by. Soon all the titans in your area fell to the ground, dead.

You were just about to jump off the rooftop you were on to kill more titans until you heard a voice.




(Before you and Kaito came)(Nobody's POV)

'Tch, stupid brats'Levi thought as he walked around the 105th troops. He was here so that he could take a look of some of the recruits the would be coming to the Survey Corps. Due to the shortage of the 57th expedition, they needed new people to come and help.

"Oh my god, it's humanities strongest"

He could hear whispers around the place. He clicked his tounge keeping his emotionless look on.

"Corporal Levi!Corporal Levi!" A scrawny cadet called out for Levi. Levi turned around, arms crossed over his chest and with an annoyed look.

"What?"He asked coldy. The cadet shivered, feeling a chill coming up in his spine.

"C-Commander Erwin called for you"The cadet stuttered feeling inimidated by the short male standing in front of him.

"Okay"Levi waved his hand dissmissing the poor cadet. Levi looked around for a moment before walking off to see Erwin.


"What did you need?"Levi asked Erwin. Erwin's face was emotionless while he took out a file from one of his drawers of his desk.

"According to the groups that were out looking for (Y/n) and Kaito, they spotted a large group of titans coming, they even saw a 3 males on top of some of the large titans. It seems as if they were controling them"Erwin said. Levi's eye brows scrunched up in confusion.

"Controling them?"Levi said. Erwin nodded.

"We need to get ready for battle"


"Uh hey Levi?"You said killing a titan that was trying to reach out for you. You sliced its nape and landed back on the roof top.

"Where the hell have you been!?!?!!?"Levi yelled out obviously angry at your actions. He didn't even notice him up in your face until you put your hands on his chest gently pushing his back.

" wouldn't understand"You said looking at Levi with a defeated look. Levi face soften(if he was showing emotions X'D)

"Just, don't do it again"He said while pecking your forehead. You blushed fifty shades of red, you looked down nodding your head.

'(Y/n) come and hurry up, Eren's waiting'



Ta daaaaa!

Thanks for readinggg!

Luv you!

Ja NE~~

Falling For My Best friend Or My Corporal (Eren x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now