Chapter 2

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Hey everyone!Time for a new chapter!

So I have decided not to do authors notes in the beginning cause I'm running out of this to say to you guys on the beginning :P


Disclaimer:I do not own any characters to be shown in this fanfic.


You faced forward keeping a glare on your face that could kill. You were on the third row while commander Keith Shadis was walking around and screaming to the top of his lungs at the cadets.

He walked passed you and took a good look at you and walked away. You mentally sigh and waited until he finished shouting at us. When he walked past you, you caught a girl eating a potato. Raising your eye brow at her, she saw you and smiles at you. You gave her a look that says 'are you serious' but she just kept eating the potato.

She was finally caught and was ordered to run laps until she drops on the ground. After the 'introductions' you were watching her run until you notice a boy that looked very familiar looking at her as well.

'Is that Eren?'You questioned your self, you walked to the boy trying to see if that was him but his back was facing towards you.

"Eren?"You ask the boy, he then turns around and had a confused look on his face but it suddenly turns into a shocked one.

"(Y-y-y/n)"He stutters, you stare at his features. He looked the same but slightly more mature. You slowly stepped forward for him to envelope in a large hug.

"I can't believe your alive,we couldn't find you so we thought you were dead"He says, you snuggle your head on his shirt. You couldn't help but blush a little though you were mostly glad that he was alive. You both were enjoying each others embrace until you felt someone grab your shoulder and yank it back.

You felt as if you were falling to the floor quickly. On the way to the ground you saw a flash of red but it all was happening to fast so you just closed your eyes and waited for the impact.

When you finally landed on the ground you felt someone on top of you and their hands under you neck, getting ready to choke you.

"Mikasa!"You hear Eren say, shocked by what you heard, you opened your eyes to see a older version of Mikasa on top of you. She had a murderous look on her face but it went away and was replaced by a shocked one.

"(Y-Y/n)"She said while removing her hands from your neck and getting off of you.

"Hey Mikasa"You say while getting up, she then hugs you tightly and you hug her back, you could feel her shaking in your embrace.

"W-we t-though you were dead"She stuttered, you just pat her back gently. You could feel the tears coming but your push them back not wanting to cry, when she finally lets go you give her a smile.

"Where's Arm-"But you were cut of by a voice

"Mikasa where are you?"Armin walked in the room and saw you.

"(Y-y/n), i-is that you?"He ask not believing.

"In the flesh"You say while giving him a cheeky smile, when you said that he suddenly fell on the ground. The three of you rushed to him and figured out that he fainted,typical Armin.

The three of you picked him up and took him to the nearest bed and set him down. All of you sat down on the ground and caught up with life waiting for Armin to wake up. T

hat was 30 minutes after, but when he woke up he kept on thinking that that you were a ghost coming to haunt him. Luckily the three of you managed to tell him that you were real. After 20 MINUTES.

After that you all decided to go to sleep exhausted from the day. When you split up, you and Mikasa went to the dorm for the girls. When you entered you found most of the girls sitting in a circle and was talking about which boy was the cute. You sigh and walk to a bed that wasn't vacant, luckily you and Mikasa beds were right beside each other.

When you lay your head down on the pillow, you didn't even realize how tired you were, you were soundly asleep after a couple of seconds.


Yes!Chapter 2 done!

So I decided to update because we had an in-service today so basically I had nothing to do so I was like, LETS UPDATE!

Anyway hope you like this chapter!



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