Chapter 10

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I thank you guys to much for waiting for my mini haitus to finish, I have read you recent comments on this story and I feel very hapy and bubbly inside of me so I decided to update today!

Thanks again so much and let's get on with the story

P.S-If you like k-pop make sure to check out my favorite band: BTS!V is so adorable~<3

P.P.S-I'm thinking about making a K-pop scenarios stories!So request!

Disclaimer:I do not own any character that will be on this fanfic, only the story and OC's


You were sitting on a horse with a blank expression, the horse trudged along stepping on the ground all fancy like. You sighed as you listened to your group members talk and laugh about stuff. You noticed that Eren was around the back keeping his head down. You then decided to manoeuvre your horse around the back until you reached the back. You looked at Eren as he stares at the ground intensely. You tapped his shoulder and he jerks his head up, startling you slightly but not showing it much.

"Eren, are you okay?"You say to him as he relaxes a bit, he turns to you and gives you an uneasy smile.

"I-I'm fine"He says while trying to make his horse go faster causing him to be a few feet ahead of you. You narrowed your eyes and caught up to him.

"Eren I know your not fine, now tell me. What's bothering you?"

"I-I"He stutter at first, "I over heard people calling me a monster...."He finishes while looking at the ground once more.

Your face turned cold and you growled slightly at the thoughts of those people calling him a monster, you didn't notice that you were gripping the leash so tightly until you feel your horse jerk by their head forwards causing you to jump out of your thoughts of murdering those people.

"Eren don't listen to them, your a wonderful boy and you wouldn't hurt anyone"You say to him while patting his back, you smile to him a little as he looked at you with his shocked teal-green eyes. He smiles a little.

"Thanks (Y/n), you always know how to cheer me up"He says to you sweetly, you could feel a blush going on your face but you refused to show it to him so you just nodded quickly then faced forwards, to avoid any further embarrassment.

After that talk with Eren you noticed that you were nearing a castle up ahead, you saw that it was dusty and the first thing you thought was Levi. You smirk at the thought of that neat freak freaking out about the dust and dirt everywhere.

"Hey Levi, dust everywhere"You say with a smirk and empazising the everywhere, Levi looks at you in disgust and clicks his tongue. You smirk as you rode your horse to the castle faster than everyone else.

You got off your horse and looked around the outside of the building. You noticed that there was leaves and vines everywhere, you walked to a door and tried to push it open. It wouldn't budge. You put an annoyed face on and kicked the door open. After the second kick it opened with a puff of dust. You covered your mouth from the dust and squinted your eyes, you went inside the building to find even more dust. You chuckle at the thought of Levi cleaning this place with a broom and duster.

"Tch, this is disgusting"You hear a monotone voice behind you. You looked behind you to find Levi with a digusted face on. You smirk at him and walked around the room which was a mess hall. You heard footsteps walking around and tounge clicking. Your smirk grew even wider if that was possible.

"Hey brat, we need to clean this place"Levi says calling you a brat, you raised an eyebrow and shook your head. You turn to Levi and gave him a 'are you serious look'.

"Um no, you know I don't clean"You say while tapping your foot on the ground and crossing your arms infront of your chest. Levi gives you a stern look.

"Just do it"Levi says while walking out the door, probably to talk to everyone else about this. You sighed and walked to the door to find Eren and your teammates getting off their horses and looking around, inspecting the building.


Hey!Guys I am so sorry for the short chapter and not including the winners of the contest. That shall be on the next chapter!

And what are your thoughts on Jack Frost, I'm thinking of making a x Reader for him

Anyway Thanks for reading!


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