Chapter 9

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Disclaimer:I do not own any characters to be shown in this fanfiction


You were waiting patiently at the cell that you shared with Eren......alone. Earlier today, an old friend of yours, Hanji and a new guy named Mike took Eren away to go to court. Actually, that had been a long time ago, around two or three hours ago. You sat there with your legs crossed and the chains on each of your wrist, you sighed and waited patiently for them to come and get you. After what it seemed to be more hours, you saw Hanji and Mike at the front of your cell.

"(Y/N!)LOOK AT HOW MUCH YOUR GROWN!"Hanji shouts in excitement, you cover your ears at the volume. Since your in a cell her shouting seemed to echo loudly.

"Hey,Hanji"You say while slowing putting your hands down from your aching ears.

She happily nodded and opened your cell then walks in and takes of your handcuffs off. You sighed in pleasure until she replaced them with another pair that holds both of your hands behind your back.

"Great, just when I thought I was free"You groaned, she just gave you a sad smile.

"Sorry..."Hanji says while you stand up from your bed. Your feet touch the floor for the first time in days. You bend back slightly to hear a sickening crack from your back. You cringed at the sound but sighed in relief nonetheless.

"*Sigh*Ughh, I'm getting old"You mumble under your breath. You look at Hanji and she gave you a smile.

"Come on, lets go"She says while pointing to the door with her thumb. You nodded and walked out only to be sniffed by the new guy, you glared at him and looked at Hanji for an explanation.

"He does that to everyone he meets"She says, you looked at him and he smirked slightly. You gave him a odd look as the three of you and a couple of guards walk out of the 'dungeon'


You stood in front of a brown door with your hands behind your back. You were waiting for Eren's trial to finish up so that you could go through with yours. You could hear punches and kicks in there followed by a couple of groans, you wanted to go in there but there were guards guarding the door preventing you doing so.

After 10 to 15 minutes later the guards opened the door revealing a court room full of people. You kept a solid emotionless face as you walked in, you saw the Military Corps giving you dirty looks while the towns people look terrified of you. 

You even Armin and Mikasa there as well, they both gave you worried looks. Tying to make the situation better, you gave them an small smile to re-assure them but their worried looks didn't go away.

Suddenly feeling pressure on your back, you saw a guard push you with a smirk on his face. You glared at him and sneered, the made let go of you feeling not so confident anymore. 

You walked to a platform and you was pushed down so that you could kneel down. Hearing a something metal go in between your arms, you look behind you to find a tall metal pole stuck to the ground which was placed behind your back and in between your arms and legs.

You groaned and looked at the front, there was a man named Darius Zackly. You had heard of him from your father a couple of times, you glared at him.

"Shall we start this?"He says, you nodded not bothering to waste your breath on him.


The trial was going fine until the next thing you knew was a Military Corps Cadet held a gun pointing to you ready to shoot. Panicked, you broke the handcuffs in less than a second. Thankfully rolled out of the way just in time before that stupid cadet shoot fire. The bullet hit the ground and produced a dull clink kind of sound. You could feel everyone's eyes on you as you stood up from the ground and glared at the cadet.

"What the hell?"You asked the venom dripping off your voice. Your glared hardened when you didn't here a response from him. You then turn to Erwin and Levi, you gave them an 'Can we get this over with?'look. Erwin then raises up his right hand which caught everyone's attention.

"I propose that we do the same thing that we did for Eren and have (Y/n) join us in the Survey Corps"Erwin said with a such a blank face with a plain voice, you look at the dick head Darius and hopes that he agrees.



After that long and suspenseful trial, you are now apart of the Survey Corps. You sigh for the second time as you walked in a room with a impatient Eren walking back and forth in it. Eren looked up at the opened door you seeing cuts and bruises on his face. You speed walk to him and cupped his face with a worried look on.

"Eren!What happened?"You said, panic lacing your voice. He looks at you for a second before engulfing you in a warm hug.

"I'm fine, are you okay?"He says while he put his head on the crook of your neck, you hug him back and nodded your head to a yes.

"I am apart of the Survey Corps now"You say, he lifts his head up and smiles at you.

"I am too!"You smile at him and continue hugging him and enjoying the peaceful moment.

You two were completely unaware of eyes looking at you and Eren's figures. Two pairs of eyes were laced with excitement and one was filled with anger and jealously.


Hey!So I apologies for not updating so much and how short this chapter is >.>

I just needed to get my costume all ready and stuff :3

And now that Halloween is over then I will be able to update more often!



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