Chapter 31

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Disclaimer:I do not own any characters to be shown in this fan fiction.


" one.."You said unsure, Levi looked at you with a emotionless/curious look. You looked down at the floor tearing your gaze from his vicious eyes. Levi 'tched' before walking away, to Eren's direction.

You let out a shaky breath as you tried to walk outside to look for Mikasa and Armin. You leaned against the wall suddenly feeling your legs give out from under you. You slid down the wall head lowering down.

"E-Eh?W-Why?"You mumbled under breath as you felt your heart pounding against your rib cage. You clutched your heaving chest as you slowing stood back up. You wiped away the tears that were threatening to fall down.

"I have to find Mikasa and Armin"You walked outside looking for the blonde and the black haired friends of yours. Spotting them, you jogged over to them.

"Mikasa!Armin!Eren's awake!"You told them, you saw Mikasa's eyes widen as she ran past you and back inside the building. You looked over at Armin who gave out a shocked face but smiled nonetheless.

"Let's go see him, shall we?"Armin asked you, you shook your head telling him that you needed some paper work to be done. Armin nodded understanding the situation, he smiled and walked away.

"Hey (Y/n)!I haven't seen you in daysssss!!!!"Hanji's loud voice boomed as you heard rapid footsteps then feeling arms around you lifting you up in the air.

"A-Ah!Hanji!Let go!"You yelled out. Hanji smiled but didn't set you on the ground making you glare at her. Just as you were about to smack her head. Levi's deep voice was heard.

"Oi, shitty glasses. Put (L/n) down"Levi said with a angry voice. Hanji tilted her head to the side before setting you down. You dusted away the invisible dirt from your shirt before nodding at Levi who just gave you a cold stare.

"(L/n), come see me in my office after dinner"Levi walked away with an emotionless look. You scratched the back of your neck in confusion before waltzing to the mess hall.


"Hoi!(Y/n), why you so down?"Jean's annoying loud voice at the moment boomed as you sat down in a table with Armin and Mikasa.

"Mind your own business Kirschtein"You muttered coldly, resulting the room to suddenly turn quiet. Jean just scoffed at your response before eating again.

"I'm done eating"You stood up from the wooden chair and walked off to see Levi.



"State your name and business"Levi's voice was muffled because of the door.

"(Y/n)(L/n), you called me here sir"You said professionally. Levi said come in letting yourself in his clean office.

"Sit (L/n)"Since when did you two start calling each other sir or by their last names?

"What did you need me here for?"You questioned him with a stone cold look. Levi just looked at you the same.

"What is your relationship with Jeager?"He said with a stern voice. Your eyes went slightly wide before raising an eyebrow at him.

"I'm his childhood friend, why?"You asked him sharply, hiding back a smirk.

"Tch, I don't recall friends being able to kiss each other"He muttered coldly, your cocky expression turned into a shocked one.

"E-Eh?H-How did yo-"You were cut of when Levi slammed his hands on his desk and standing up suddenly. You flinched at the sudden sound and sink into your seat as much as you can.

"Jeager fucking told me so!"He yelled out loudly. You slowly stood up from the chair and started backing up. Levi's eyes were covered by his bangs so you couldn't see the hatred in them, you can surely sense it though.

"L-Levi, calm down"You stuttered afraid of what he was going to do. Levi looked at you with his sharp grey eyes as he started walking towards your shaking figure.

"No (Y/n)!I'm not going to calm down!"He yelled once more, you felt something on your back and realized that you were completely backed up onto the wall. Levi was getting closer and closer, before you knew it, his face was a few inches of yours.

"L-Levi, w-why are you acting like this?"You clenched your teeth together as you felt Levi's breath on your neck. His grey irises bore into your own as you felt a blush creep on your cheeks.

"Don't you fucking get it (Y/n)?I like you"That's when Levi's lips crashed onto your own.

Falling For My Best friend Or My Corporal (Eren x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now