Chapter 34

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Hey guyssss!Back for a new chapter~

Andddd~ I am here to officially say that  SUMMER HAS NOW BEGUNNN!!!Well for me at least :D

Hopefully it has for you too!But if your still stuck in school, just know that there is hope for you!I hope that you survive the stupidness of human beings!


Disclaimer:I do not own any characters to be shown in this fic


"Eren, really!?!?It just had to be him ah!"You ranted to Kaito who sat on your bed with a sympathetic look on his face.

"He'll be fine (Y/n), I'm pretty sure Eren can take care of himself"Kaito tried to reassure you. That didn't help one bit!

"I know!But when Eren is mad he becomes an idiot!And you know Vaughn, he's going to try and provoke him!"You shoot a worried/angry expression at Kaito. He just grinned awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head.

You resumed your pacing until you heard someone knock on the door.

"Yea?"You grabbed the door handle and pulled the door open revealing a irritated Corporal. 

"What the fuck was that all about (Y/n)?"He pushed you in the room and glared at Kaito who walked away calmly not being affected by the shorty glare. More like annoyed.

"What?"You sharply bit back. Levi glared at you making you click your tongue just like him. 

"She was being the bitch, not me. Just because I'm Eren's friend doesn't mean I' in charge of him!I'm not a protective bitch like HER!"You yelled out frustratingly. Again with the pacing around the room. 

You heard Levi grunt in annoyance before leaning again the wall crossing his arms over his chest. 

"You know you could have handled that situation better"He said with a bored tone of voice. 

'What?First he's getting angry at me, and now he's bored'Well you are in the presence of Mr King of PMS himself. 

"Well"You fell on your bed face first snuggling with the white sheets. You heard Levi's rare chuckle in amusement before sitting beside rubbing your back comfortingly. You missed this Levi, the one that actually cared, the one you met before the Survey Corps. 


"So, where are we starting the search?"

The mess hall was filled with all superiors including you and Kaito. Due to your knowledge with Vaughn and all. Oh, and Mikasa and Armin were there too, much to your displeasure.

"Hmm?"You leaned on the brick wall as Erwin asked you where to start. 

"Kaito, (Y/n), you both know things about Vaughn. Where do you think he's hiding Eren?"You made shrugged your shoulders and made an 'I don't know' sound before looking bored. Kaito coughed awkwardly beside you and apologized for your rude behavior. 

"There is this one spot....."Kaito started. You gritted your teeth knowing fully well what he was about to say.  

"It's Vaughn 'den', its where he keeps all of his prisoners. Children and all"You said sharply causing a few gasps here and there. Kaito looked at you as if he was asking you something. You waved your hand not looking at him.

"(Y/n) and I were actually locked up in there......"He trailed off. 

"Tortured in there"You could still hear screams in your head at this very moment. 


TBC..........(Thanks for readin, JA NEE!)

Falling For My Best friend Or My Corporal (Eren x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now