Chapter 29

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Disclaimer:I do not own any characters that will show in this fanfic.


"What's your name?"You asked the frightened boy as you wizzed pass titans. Somehow the boy can pick up on your extremely fast(and reckless) 'flying'

"Caleb"He answered you. You nodded your head then killing a 7 meter titan that was about to grab you.

"Your name is (Y/n), (Y/n) (L/N) right?"He asked you as you got by his side again. You nodded your head wondering why he knew your name. Your last name as well. Weird.

'(Y/n)~Your getting closer'

That voice once again entered in your head leaving a bad headache. Ugh you so didn't need that right now. Suddenly, a thought came into your head. You then started zipping to somewhere ignoring Caleb's calls for you.


"What are we doing here?"Caleb asked you in a hushed tone. Currently, you were in the under ground tunnels knowing that Eren was here somewhere.

"Shhh, trust me"You hushed him while going down a tunnel hoping that you were getting near. You stopped when you saw a brown wooden door. You stood in front of it and looked over at Caleb.

"Cover me"You said before kicking the door down and putting up your swords in front of you. You peeked in the dimly lit room and gasped at what was inside.

"Eren!"You rushed to the bleeding Eren who was tied to a chair. You quickly untied him a lifted him up slowly. He was currently unconscious and had bad cuts and bruises on his tan skin.

"*Chuckle*Well look who we have here?"

You stopped walking out the door when you recognized that voice. You growled as you passed Eren to Caleb who was giving you a puzzled look. You just gave him a blank stare and ordered him to leave with Eren. He did so.

"Vaughn, nice seeing you again"You spat as you turned around and saw a man with an evil smirk on his face appearing from the shadows.

"How are you?Oh and don't forget Kaito, how is he?"He asked 'sweetly'. You almost puked at the 'sweetness' of his voice.

"Fine, better without you for sure"You replied bitterly. Vaughn pretended to look hurt by placing his hand on where his heart should be. Key point in that sentence SHOULD BE.

"How harsh"He smirked as he brought out a gun from his suit jacket. He then pointed it towards you. You gave him and the gun a cold glare as he cocked it.



"Not today"You kicked the gun out of his hand. Vaughn recovered from the shock of you dodging his bullet. You reached to elbow his stomach but he caught your arm and pushed you off. You kept a solid glare as you both returned punches at each other. Being younger and shorter than him (I'm sorry if your tall XP) had its disadvantages.

The fight all stopped when he gave you a large blow to the side of your jaw making you fly to the other side of the room. Your body hit the solid stone floor with a painful thud. You panted as you tried to get up but your body just failed you as you stayed on the cold floor.

"*Laughs*Weak as ever huh?But this was fun, till next time"He said before disappearing in the shadows. You lay on the floor feeling your face getting wet from the cut on your cheek. Your wrist felt numb from him twisting it earlier.

"I'm so tired.....But I'm not giving up, not today"You mumbled to yourself as you stood up. You winced as you slightly put pressure on your dominant wrist.

'Its definitely broken'You thought as you examine the bruising wrist. You sighed as you stood up slowly. You wiped blood off the side of your mouth and the cut on your cheek. Still feeling the stinging pain.

"(Y/n)!"Mikasa's voice echoed around the tunnels. You walked/limped out of the room and saw Mikasa running and looking around. When she spots you she immediately runs to you.

"What happened?"She asked you probably looking at your wounds. You glared at the walls then looked at her with an angry yet determined look.

"Hell just came knocking, and we let it in"

Falling For My Best friend Or My Corporal (Eren x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now