Chapter 25

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Disclaimer:I do not own any charcaters to be show in this fanfic


"Kaito, we need to leave"You told Kaito while looking at him with your (eye colour) irises. He gritted his teeth and nodded painfully. You knew you had to, he knew too.

"I know we have to"Kaito's deep voice broke your thoughts. You sighed and nodded your head.

"I know......when are we leaving?"Kaito asked you.




"You got everything you need?"You whispered quietly. Kaito nodded his head and pulled up the hoddie on his cape to his head making his face hidden. You did the same.

"Ready to go then?"You sighed and started to walk in the empty corridors of the Survey Corps HQ. Milions of thoughts flew through your head, what would happen to Mikasa, Eren and Armin?Would they even notice your gone?

"(Y/n).......where are we going to go?"Kaito asked you while looking around for anyone to find that it was clear.

"I don't know, somewhere"You told him, you stopped walking making Kaito stop when you saw a shadow and heard in coming footsteps. You mentally panicked as you looked for a place to hide or a window to jump out and escape.

"Damn, damnnnnn"You muttered under your breath. Your eyes scanned the almost empty hallway until your eyes landed on a closed window at the end of the hallway that you came from.

"Kaito follow me"You whispered as you crouched down and 'ran' quietly to the window. It wasn't big but it was big enough to jump through it. You opened the window feeling the night breeze hit your face.

(Play the song on the side right here)

"Ok, we are going to have to jump this, when you land just activate your running ability and run for the forest okay, I'll catch up with you"You told him, he nodded his head and was just about to jump out until you two heard a cerain voice......Levi.

'Oh shit'

"Oi what are you do-"Levi couldn't finish his sentence when Kaito jumped out. You looked at Levi and smiled.

"Aha~We areeee justttt.......BYEE!"You yelled as you jumped out of the window in a spiraling pattern while falling down. You held your arms out as you were just about to hit the ground.

*BOOM*A loud boom was produced as you landed on the grassy ground. One knee down and one knee up. Arms outstreched.

"GET BACK HERE!"Levi's loud voice boomed. You looked up at Levi who gave you a pissed off look. You smiled sadly before running to the forest. Starting off slow then becoming faster and faster until all you can see is practically a blur when you pass by.

"Kaito!Run faster!Levi knows we are escaping and he's probably going to try and follow us!"You yelled as you caught up to your worried blue haired friend. He nodded and kept running until you would hit the walls. Unfortunately as you were halfway to the walls you heard a zipping sound, that can only mean one thing.....a 3DMG. Dammit

"(Y/n)!"A feminine angry voice was heard. Oh crap, Mikasa.

"(Y/n)!!!!!!"Again, Mikasa's angry voice was heard. At the corner of your eye you saw Mikasa with her 3DMG signature angry look that she gives when killing titans.(Man, how may times have you pissed off Mikasa XDD)

You noticed that she was getting really close, to close, like she was going to tackl- Oh damn!At the last second you dogded her.

"Shit, that was close"You mumbled under breath. You resumed running when you saw Mikasa try and tackle Kaito but he dodged her aswell. You wiped the sweat off your face as you activated your 3DMG.

"Kaito!Up!"You yelled as you latched your wires to a tree branch. Kaito got the message and activated and did the same. You then started to escape while using your 3DMG. Luckily you and Kaito were slightly faster than Mikasa when it came to the 3DMG making it more easier to escape her grasps that way. Though you were faster than her, there was only one person that can beat you.

And that man was chasing you at this very moment.

"OI!BRAT!"Levi shouted as he zipped around the tree's lighting fast. You swallowed a bump in your throat and looked back to see Levi glaring at you. You held your swords out a plan formulating in your head. The only way to escape Levi is for him to not be able to use his 3DMG.

"SORRY LEVI!"You yelled as you swirved around to have you 'fly' to him and cut both of his wires making him fall down.

'He'll be fine'You thought as you sighed deeply and resumed escaping. You looked over to Kaito who gave you a suprised look to your blank one.



"Finally escaped"

"Yeah, finally"

You and Kaito stood on the wall over looking at the city. This part of the wall was unattented which was unusual but you didn't complain about it. You sighed deeply and turned away from the city. Kaito looked at you with a worried look.

"Ready?"Kaito held out his hand with a small sweet smile. You looked up at him and grabbed a hold on his hand.



Tada!Damn it I am so sorry for not updating, school is just getting really stupid and I have a band performance and a dance recital making me stressed out as it it. So I am really sorry for not updating.

Thank for reading though!

Ja Ne!

Figsters shall rule the world!

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