Wolf-Spider VI

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"One more time."

Miwa launched another bijū bomb into the air. Its explosion was so massive that it shook the ground where Gon, Killua, and Miwa laid. The force was powerful enough that Gon and Killua could only lay back in the grass and watch it from above.

"Can you make it a different color?" asked Gon.'

"Do it again," said Killua.

"I dunno about changing its color," said Miwa. "Lemme ask Kurama."


"He said no."

"And Kurama is a demon that is in your soul or whatever?"

"Something like that."

"Through the power of fuinjutsu?" Gon wanted to clarify.


"So fuinjutsu can seal demons inside you that you can befriend and they give you crazy powers?"


"I'm so happy I'm learning that," said Killua while Gon pouted.

"Why does it have to be so hard to learn?" complained Gon. "Ugh. Why can't it just be punching something really good? I can punch. I'm the best at punching."

Killua turned his head to look at Miwa. "Can Kurama come out?"

Under circumstances.

"Sometimes," said Miwa. "He doesn't like humans a whole lot."

"Aww. We can be friends Kurama!" Gon said cheerfully.

"Humans tend to want to destroy creatures stronger than them," Miwa said, reciting what Kurama was telling her.

"We won't be like that," promised Gon.

Oh sure. That's what they all say. Humans preach they'll be accepting but as soon as a new creature appears that's stronger than them they freak out and immediately move to destroy, detain, or conquer it. They will never coexist with their own predators.

Gon and Killua aren't like other humans.

Feh. Can they swear that? Can they coexist with their predator?

"He asked, can you swear that?"

"Sure," said Gon. "Right Killua?"

"I won't kill you if you won't kill me," said Killua.

"Then," said Miwa slowly, "we think we can pull you into a shared genjutsu. Later though because Kurama still doesn't want to talk to either of you."

"What a stinker."

"I know, he's a bit of a tsundere."

Shut the fuck up, I am not.

Killua snorted. "A demon tsundere?"

"Yeah. Super tsun."

Gon sat up to readjust his position so he could rest his head on Miwa's stomach. Miwa looked down at him and he said, "The grass was getting uncomfortable."

"Understandable," she agreed.

Killua stared at the two for a moment then shrugged and used Gon's belly as his own pillow. He pulled Miwa onto his own stomach so the three children made a triangle of shared pillow-hood.

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