Saw-Scaled Viper II

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Gon and Miwa had traveled a fair bit up the mountain but were stopped by someone.

In front of them was a girl a touch older than either of them. She had smooth dark skin, deep grey eyes, and dark purple hair combed into thick bunches each tied with a string toward the tip. She was dressed in a pristine butler's outfit, and held a thick staff with a heavy ball at the top of it.

"Hello," Gon politely greeted her. "We're here to see Killua."

"Please leave. You're trespassing," the girl intoned.

"Don't care," Miwa said flippantly. "We're here to pick Killua up before we go adventuring. Are you here to escort us, or are you in our way?"

"I can't let you pass," the girl insisted, and she drew a line into the dirt with her staff. "If you try to move past this line—"

Miwa, as gently as she could, abruptly shushined to the girl in question and hit her hard enough in the jaw to knock her out instantly.

"Miwa!" Gon exclaimed.

"She was going to get in our way," Miwa said with a shrug. "Come on, let's go."

Gon looked back down at the girl on the ground, then back up at Miwa, then he gave a big shrug as if to say yeah okay.

The two friends continued on their way, happy chatting with one another as Gon asked Miwa to show him how she was doing all that super cool stuff.


Then they were stopped again.

This time by a woman in an absurdly frilly dress who had a bandaged face and a weird visor covering her eyes. Hovering nearby this woman was a very pretty boy—according to Miwa's nose—who was dressed in a traditional yukata and eyeing the two friends with plain contempt.

"Hello there, dear guests, allow me to introduce myself," came the eerily soft voice of the older woman. "I am Kikyo, Killua's mother. This is Kalluko."

Gon politely bowed toward the woman and Miwa followed his actions. "It's nice to meet you, Kikyo-san. I'm Gon, and this is Miwa. We're Killua's friends and we're here to pick him up."

"I'm afraid I cannot allow that. Killua is not able to see either of you for the moment," Kikyo intoned.

Gon let out a hmm, his eyes narrowing as he glanced over at Miwa.

Like a lightbulb went off inside his head, a mischievous spark ignited inside him. Gon had a wide grin stretch over his face that made Miwa uneasy.

'He's about to do something stupid,' Miwa immediately realized.

Sure enough, Gon slung an arm around Miwa's shoulder as his grin took down Kurama levels of impish glee.

"Well, Miwa's not just Killua's friend, she's his fiancé!" Gon chirped. "He asked her to marry him and everything. Surely, you can understand why it's important these two meet up again?"

'Oh, no.'

Kurama's taunting laughter echoed inside Miwa's head, as both understood how their little joke from before could be misconstrued into something a lot more serious now.

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