Lammergeier III

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Warning: Human and animal gore. We're in the chimera ant arc, proceed with caution from here on out, okay?

Updating 'cause it's my birthday week ^^ 

Updating 'cause it's my birthday week ^^ 

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The journey out to NGL was long and dull. The boys shamelessly used Miwa as their pillow. That was completely fine because she used them as headrests as well. Sleeping made the long trip a lot more bearable. It had been a while since Miwa had been able to sleep for so long, Soleil had been a massive undertaking.

Upon arriving at the NGL border, the group had to go through customs. They had to remove anything metallic, made of plastic, or other similar materials that could not naturally degrade. They even had to go through physical exams to make sure nothing was hidden in their rectums.

Because apparently that was a common way to sneak stuff in.

Unfortunately, not all the members were able to enter the country. Glasses counted as bannable, as well as anyone who had implants (even dental fillings!).

Only Kite, Killua, Gon, Miwa, Stick, and Podunga were able to go inside the country to begin the hunt.

As there weren't any cars allowed, the group had to rent horses.

Which was actually quite fun!

Miwa had never ridden an animal before, so she had to sit in either Gon, or Killua's lap while they controlled the animal. It was fun bouncing around.

They rode for half a day until some wasps stopped them with a message. Kite read it, saying that it was an SOS—that someone had found the chimera ant nest.

Kite ordered Podunga and Stick to return to the others, while he and the children would make haste to the SOS. He was fast, sprinting in the direction the message had come from. Not too fast, though, as the other Hunters were able to keep up. For over an hour they ran, entering a dense forest.

"I smell blood," said Miwa as soon as she caught a whiff of that metallic tang. "Lots of it. The freshest one—this way!"

Miwa veered sharply to the left, Kite and the others turned to follow her. Into the forest they want, rapidly passing by trees until Miwa found the source of the smell.

It was a pool of blood, still warm and fresh, with shreds of clothing around it. There was enough blood soaking into the ground to tell Miwa that whoever had been there had not survived.

"I think it's safe to say they have been eating humans," observed Miwa, staring at the pilte of blood and shredded clothes.

'Are humans yummy?' Miwa wondered. For the past months, she had seen so many beings devour humans.

Depends. Some can be tasty.

She couldn't imagine it. Some humans smelled unreasonably foul, and none of them smelled good enough to eat. At best, they smelled like pleasant things—like Gon and Killua—not food.

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