Margay I

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Beta: TaintedLetter


The concrete walls reeked of mold and rot. The sewers—for there was no other word Fox could use to describe it—were large in scale, but that was the only impressive part about it. Fox's nose wrinkled on its own as she had to continue to breathe in the sour stench of that foul place. It did not help that most of the other humans that came had gross scents, too.

More than half were sweaty and anxious. What a horrible smell!

Fox tugged one of her pigtails around her nose to try and appease the gross scents she was bombarded with.

Fox, huh? The voice was amused, and he chuckled. Bfft. You would remember that.

She didn't know how to respond to the voice in her head. It had spoken to her as soon as she entered the meeting point for the Hunter Exam. Could it hear her thoughts?

Of course I can hear your thoughts.

'Then who are you?'

You already know that.

But she didn't. She knew hearing the voice made her happy, but that was the extent of her knowledge.

It's okay, he said, his voice becoming more gentle. You will remember.

'Who am I?'

Whoever you want to be.

The answer stirred something inside of her. A sense of... relief.

'I can be whoever I want to be?'

What we have here is a rare opportunity. A chance for you to grow, and live without prejudice and hate tainting you. The voice fell silent for a few minutes. A chance for you to have a life without scars, or unfair burdens.

Fox didn't know how to respond.

And if you choose to say fuck all humans, you know, I'm always here to support that...

'I have not yet met a human I liked,' Fox thought, her eyes glancing down at her thick black cargo pants. She kept an orange belt—she didn't know why she chose orange of all colors because it didn't match the rest of her outfit at all, but she saw it and instinctively grabbed onto it—tied around it. Looped onto the belt were storage scrolls she had made—she stole the ink and paper then infused her own chakra into it—and a few pouches of handmade or stolen weapons.

She wore a multi-purple shaded top to go along with her dark purple boots and purple hair ties for her pigtails.

They are a bit annoying, aren't they?

Fox nodded in agreement with the voice inside her head. 'Do you know my name?'

Of course I do.

'What is it?'

I like Fox better.

'Oh. Was it a bad name?'

No. But Fox is one thousand times better.

Fox digested this, before accepting such. She had no reason to refute. She had no strong attachment to her previous name, and a part of her implicitly trusted the voice.

When the voice sensed her acceptance of this, she thought she heard him sigh in her head.

Miwako. That was the name your parents gave you.

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