Lioness II

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Miwa's match was unsurprisingly one-sided. Most matches would go on until a technical victory was achieved (each successful hit earned one hit, and ten points made a victory), but Miwa was so laughably stronger than the fodder thrown at her it was over with a wave of her hand.

Killing them was not currently allowed, so she was forced to blow them out of the arena with the use of fūton chakra.

When she was done with her match she headed to where she was told to meet up with Gon and Killua prior. Gon was already waiting for her, and he waved cheerfully upon noticing her.

Miwa picked Gon up and tossed him up to the ceiling, eliciting a boyish giggle out of him. She caught him on the way back down, then tossed him back up again. He did a little roll in the air before coming back down. She set him back on his feet, smiling at his joyous grin.

"That was fun! What was it for?" Gon asked.

"I dunno. Just wanted to."

"... Do it again?" he sheepishly asked, causing Miwa to giggle at him. She bent her nose forward to nuzzle him reminiscent to how an animal would show affection. Her bangs tickled him, though, so he giggled again.

She tossed him back up a few more times—ignoring some of the odd stares the bystanders gave them—until Killua arrived. He watched Miwa toss Gon up and down, a slight frown on his face.

She noticed it and asked, "Do you wanna be tossed, too?"

"Hmph. Do what you want," Killua said, turning his nose up.

'How lucky for him I speak tsundere,' Miwa thought, popping out a shadow clone and starting to toss Killua now.

"Can you toss us from the ground of the skyscraper to above the skyscraper?" Gon asked excitedly.

"Probably. But we'd need more distance since I'd have to use fūton chakra to safely catch you," she said.

"Fūton?" Killua echoed, arms folded over his chest as he pretended very hard to look like he was not enjoying being tossed. The little twitching in the corner of his mouth betrayed him, though.

Miwa nodded. "Mn."

Miwa tossed her friends for another ten minutes before letting them down and dismissing the clone.

"Then next time let's do that!" Gon decided for the three of them.

"Okay," Miwa agreed with a smile.


Once the trio reached floor 100, they were given private rooms. And it was here, that Killua decided they were ready to learn about Miwa's chakra.

"The energy inside us, at its core, is the same," Miwa said, as she took a seat on Gon's bed. Gon and Killua both sat criss-cross on either side of her. "And after observing your cores closely the past couple of days I can say with absolute certainty that both of you have already been subconsciously drawing on it."

"I do?!" / "I'm what?!" Killua and Gon exclaimed at the same time.

"You do realize most children, regardless of how much they physically train, can't do the things you two are doing," Miwa pointed out, frowning. "Your strength, speed, and so on is dependent on your subconscious use of nen, or chakra, or whatever you want to call it. If you can learn to consciously control this energy there's no reason you can't learn ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu, fūinjutsu, and so forth. At least, I don't currently see why not."

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