Wolf-Spider I

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Greed Island.

That was the trio's current objective.

They had taken a nice vacation at Gon's home island. While there, Gon's aunt had given them something left behind by Gon's father, Ging. One thing led to another and now they had to hunt down a game made by Hunters for Hunters called Greed Island.

Ging had challenged Gon to find him, and the first clue was on that island.

That was interesting, certainly, but it wasn't what weighed on Miwa's mind as the trio journeyed to Yorknew City.


Meteor City nagged at Miwa.

While Gon went to pick up groceries at his aunt's request, Miwa and Killua stayed behind. Miwa had taken the opportunity to peruse through their books as a test to see what she could read.

Miwa flipped through a geography book, pleased with herself that she could pick out a few words. She tried to pronounce some major countries out loud—Killua had to correct her several times. There was one passage that caught her attention, though. Mostly due to how short it was.

All the previous chapters were walls of text and pictures. The one Miwa currently stared at was barely a paragraph long and only had a dot on the map to show where it was.

"M-Meteor City?" Miwa guessed, squinting hard at the name.

"First try, good job," Killua praised.

"It's so small," Miwa squinted at it.

"The actual area is pretty big, but it's not worth traveling to so it's only marked as a dot. All that wasteland surrounding it is part of it. It's a junkyard city inhabited by outcasts," Killua explained to her.



Miwa gripped at the book, a faint bitter memory pulling at her mind.

She couldn't explain what bothered her about Meteor City. Only that it was stuck in her head all the way to Yorknew.


The game was retailing at 8.9 billion jennies and a few copies would be sold at an underground auction house. They were able to learn that much information from Killua's family and the Hunter exclusive website.

Killua's brother had to give them a secret URL for a Hunter website in exchange for the Greed Island memory card Ging had left behind for Gon. The website was essentially a wealth of information... in exchange for money, of course.

They learned that the game could only be played by nen users, and when and where the auction for it was... as well as the starting pricing now.

"8.9 million is way too much," Killua bemoaned when they closed out of the website.

"It's a waste of time to try and scrounge up money," Miwa muttered. "I can just steal the thing."

"Ehhh," Gon groaned, leaning back in the chair.

"Are you crazy? That whole place is run by several mafias! Even my dad wouldn't try to steal from them," Killua said.

"Can your dad destroy a mountain with a finger?"

"You're strong, not immortal," Killua said with a roll of his eyes. "It's not about strength, it's about angering the wrong crowd. Make too many enemies and life becomes an annoyance. People constantly coming after you to kill you."

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