Hyena I

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Beta: TaintedLetter

Extra trigger warning for gore.


The day it was time to leave was bittersweet. The three friends lingered in their hotel bed for most of the morning, none of them really wanting to get up. Eventually Gon's stomach growled, forcing the children to start their day. After eating a late breakfast in their room it was time for Miwa to head out.

Miwa first hugged Gon tightly, a part of her wishing they'd ask her to stay regardless. Gon patted her back as he warmly soothed her, "Don't worry, Miwa. As soon as we beat the game we'll call you."

Miwa buried her nose in the crook of his neck, committing his smell to her memory. Her voice was muffled as she mumbled, "Promise?"

Gon gave her a firm squeeze. "Pinky promise."

The two held each other for another minute until Miwa pulled away to start hugging Killua. Before she could do so, Killua held out something to her.

Killua's smile was soft and sweet. "Here. You're going to need this."

Miwa curiously tilted her head as she accepted the item. "What's this?"

"It's a breathing mask. It'll filter out the worst of the smell," explained Killua. "Meteor City... It's pretty bad. Considering you struggled at Heaven's Arena, I figured you'd definitely need something."

"Ah..." Miwa sheepishly smiled, carefully tucking the mask away in the backpack they had packed the previous night. Storage scrolls were lovely, but she needed something to carry all of her storage scrolls too. A storage scroll could only be placed inside another storage scroll about five times before the chain would degrade the original scroll. Which meant she couldn't infinitely pack storage scrolls in one storage scroll which was such a shame.

Once that was put away she rushed into Killua's outstretched arms. She hugged him firmly, burying her face in the crook of his neck like she had with Gon. Killua tenderly patted the back of her head. "There, there. We'll meet again, Miwa."

"I know," she mumbled, closing her eyes. "I'm going to miss you both a whole lot."

"We'll miss you, too," murmured Killua.

The two held each other for a couple more minutes and then Killua stepped back, slightly red in the face. Gon and Miwa were both physically affectionate people, constantly seeking out contact. They were extra clingy in their sleep, it wasn't uncommon to find the two using each other like body pillows in the morning. Killua hadn't received much in the way of physical affection growing up and so he wasn't used to being randomly hugged or having someone grab his hand without warning. He had improved a lot over the past months, but he still got flustered or embarrassed if it went on for too long.

Miwa hoisted her backpack over her shoulder. She was supposed to meet Chrollo at the airport soon. She offered the two boys one big smile, kissed their cheeks, then headed off.

Chrollo had arranged private transportation to the only airport near Meteor City. The two would have to walk the rest of the way there. He met Miwa outside the airport with a polite nod.

"Good morning," she greeted him, her stomach flip-flopping anxiously.

"Good morning," he returned cordially. "Have you flown before?"

"On an airship a couple times," she admitted.

"Good, this won't be much different. Planes are faster, so the flight will only take about six hours or so."

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