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The Zodiacs were a group of twelve Hunters whose skills had been recognized by the previous Hunter Chairman, Isaac Netero

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The Zodiacs were a group of twelve Hunters whose skills had been recognized by the previous Hunter Chairman, Isaac Netero. They acted as the chairman's counselors and would perform in his stead in times of emergency.

It was rare for the entire group to be gathered in one place at the same time.

The reason?

The seemingly unthinkable had occurred.

Chairman Netero had been killed in battle.

None of members would have accepted such an impossible notion if not for the evidence—a compilation of surveillance footage taken from the surrounding areas.

It had been circulated amongst them; of the monstrous little girl who defeated Netero within seconds, all without seemingly exerting much effort. Despite causing a literal shower of flaming boulders, fire tornadoes, and who knew what else that couldn't be caught on camera.

It seemed one monster had slain another.

That day, eleven out of the twelve Zodiacs were seated on a long white table in a conference room at the Hunter Association Headquarters.

"Chairman!" wailed a large, burly man known as Ginta, the Sheep Zodiac.

"I thought we had all the Zodiacs present," said Mizaistom, the Ox Zodiac, "but the Rat is missing."

A cute auburn-haired girl with a bunny-eared headband leaned over the table. She was known as Pyon, the Rabbit Zodiac. She did not pause in texting on her phone as she drawled out, "The Vice Chairman is very busy, even at a time like this."

Gel, a tall beautiful woman with doll-like green eyes, softly said, "It's because it is a time like this. He's scrambling to secure votes for himself, I'm sure."

"Chairman," continued to sob Ginta.

"Ginta," sharply reproached Cluck the Rooster Zodiac. "You're loud, annoying, and you smell."

"Even the habitual slacker Ging showed up," snarked Saiyu the Monkey Zodiac as he stretched his long arms over his head. "Guess the Rat's just a scumbag."

The Boar Zodiac, Ging Freecss, flatly growled, "What do you mean even I showed up? I'll kill you, monkey."

"Go ahead and try it, dumbass."

"I can't accept this," said Botobai the Dragon Zodiac. "Why didn't the chairman call us to help?"

The youngest at the table, a man in stripes with a feral look his face muttered, "Agreed. Morel, Knov, and Kite were above that kind of job."

"Above is not the word you're looking for," chided the smallest member of the Zodiacs, the ever-loyal Dog known as Cheadle Yorkshire. The green-haired young woman gestured to Botobai. "You wanted to hunt the Ants yourself, did you not?"

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