Fox I

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I need to get rid of the excess dead cells I've had to replace. I'm going to burn a hole in your stomach and shove it through there.


Don't worry, I'll keep a layer of our combined chakra over the hole so nothing will leak out. As long as I have to keep regrowing your cells I need a quick way for your body to dispel them.

'So what does—'

Miwa did not have a chance to finish that. She felt Kurama's chakra sharpen then focus inside her left abdomen. The pain of having a hole burned into her stomach elicited an involuntary shudder, her color draining away. The pain was momentary, though, because barely a second after she felt it things moved inside her.

Like feeling thousands of bugs crawling inside her organs.

Kurama was scraping and pulling the mutated, dead tissue and shoving it into her stomach with rapid precision. As soon as she felt her stomach fill—which was a very odd sensation on its own—she was hit by a powerful wave of nausea (purposefully caused by Kurama). She immediately doubled over and vomited.

She did not retch food. She threw up blood, dead organs, and piles of mutated tissue. It felt like she was throwing up pieces of a human corpse.

Kurama apparently had a lot of dead cells to get rid of because Miwa kept expelling the gunk for so long she started to struggle to breathe. She fell to her knees, her body shivering from the discomfort.

Gon and Killua were at her side. Killua had originally moved to get help, but Miwa was able to gurgle out a don't that made him stay.

They held her hair back and kept her propped up even as her legs gave way from the combination of severe nausea, not getting enough air, and feeling worse than garbage. She didn't know how long she got sick, only that it finally stopped when her head spun around faster than a ballerina doing a hundred pirouettes.

"Urgh," she mumbled, leaning heavily in Gon's arms. Killua pulled out a cloth—a handkerchief—and wiped the rotted blood from her mouth.

"We need an explanation," he said. "More than—than—"

"You can't be dying," Gon denied.

"Radiation," she rasped out, her throat raw and tender. "Kurama... havin' trouble... fixin' it."

It's intermingled with your chakra network which is causing the rapid mutations.

"There's got to be something we can do," exclaimed Gon, his face contorted with uncharacteristic anxiety. "A doctor—Leorio's a doctor—?"

"How long?" Killua sharply demanded, his own expressions mirroring Gon. He was paler than normal, his hands trembling slightly as he cleaned Miwa up. "How long do you have?"

"Two weeks... no chakra... minimal movement..." Miwa coughed, spitting out more blood. Killua grimaced when he realized his handkerchief was thoroughly soaked in blood and could no longer be of use.

"Isn't there a way to treat radiation poisoning?" Gon asked, his tone pitched higher than normal.

"Mixed... with my... chakra network," she said. "Could... make it worse. Kurama says... too much of a... risk."

"It's okay," said Killua. He reached forward and wiped the new blood around her mouth with the back of his sleeve. "I know... I know a way to heal you."

Miwa tilted her head, tiredly leaning into Killua's hand. "Mn?"

"What way?" asked Gon. "What do we do?"

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