Margay VI

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Beta: TaintedLetter


"Ladies and gentlemen, congratulations on escaping Trick Tower," spoke a short man with a pink spiky mohawk. It wasn't difficult to recognize the man was the proctor who had talked with them over the intercom and had watched everything that went on in the tower.

After the 72 hour mark a door at the bottom of the tower opened up and the contestants stepped out onto a beach where the man had been waiting for them.

"Only the Fourth and Final Phase remain," the man went on. He jerked his thumb behind him, over the glistening blue waters of the ocean to point at a tiny island in the distance. "The Fourth Phase will take place over there, on Zevil Island. Let's proceed."

He snapped his fingers and an unimportant helper exited the tower, pushing along a small cart. Resting atop that cart was a black and blue box with a square cut out on top.

'A ballot?'

"I need all of you to draw lots," the man said. "To determine who will hunt and who will be hunted. There are twenty-eight numbered cards in here. In other words, the numbers correspond to all remaining applicant's ID numbers. Now, I need each of you to draw a card in the order you left the tower. Will the first person step forward?"

The joker-like man stepped forward calmly, reaching into the box and pulling out a blank white card.

Then one by one the other contestants stepped forward to take their cards, Miwa included.

"Has everyone taken a card?" the examiner asked after the last contestant took a card. "Then go ahead and remove the sticker."

Miwa pulled back the sticker over the white card revealing the number 11.

"That indicates your target."

While the other contestants immediately covered their numbers, Miwa didn't bother. She left her 13 alone, uncaring who went after her. It might finally make things interesting.

The examiner patted the box. "The box has recorded which card each of you drew. That means you're free to dispose of the cards if you wish. The objective is to steal your target's ID badge."

"Oh, so we don't need to kill each other," one of the contestants said, sounding relieved.


"Naturally you're free to use any method you choose to procure the ID badges. That includes killing your target and taking the badge off their body. Listen carefully. Your target's ID badge is worth 3 points. Your ID badge is worth three points. All other ID badges are worth 1 point. You need 6 points to advance to the Final Phase. You must gather enough ID badges to total of 6 points. That is all."

After that explanation, the contestants were guided on to a ship to take them to the island. They would be forced to remain on the island for at least a week before the ship would return to pick them up.

The ship was decently sized, almost all wood, and to be honest, it looked like it wouldn't be able to survive a B-ranked jutsu.

Miwa took a seat beside Killua, and Gon sat down next to her. She leaned back on the railings of the ship, breathing in the salty taste of the sea.

"What number did you draw?" Killua asked.

"11," answered Miwa immediately, glancing down at her black cargo pants to see if there were any tears that needed attention. Unsurprisingly, there weren't. "Did either of you get my 13?"

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