Fox V

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Miwa awoke late into the evening. Her hospital bed was filled with Gon, Killua, and Alluka.

Feeling hungry, she carefully extracted herself from the pile of cuddle buddies. The hospital window opened, Shaiapouf just outside. Miwa figured he must have been on the rooftop, and came down when he sensed—or heard?—her move.

"Good evening," he said.

"Good evening," said Miwa. "Kinda hungry. Wanna get some food?"

Shaiapouf smiled at her, holding out a hand. "I would be honored. You said you wanted your first meal to be a feast."

"Yep!" Miwa said, accepting his hand. She climbed out of the window then jumped into his arms. She did not need to be carried, but she genuinely enjoyed it. There was something so magical about being tenderly held.

"What might you be craving?" Shaiapouf asked.

"Ramen," Miwa proudly declared. "With lots of pork."

"Very well," he said, flapping his wings hard as he carried her off into the night.


They found a small ramen shop that smelled absolutely divine a few streets over. As it was well past midnight, there weren't many customers—Miwa was honestly surprised it was even open in the first place. She made a comment about it to the owner who shrugged and said, "There's a college nearby. Get plenty of business Friday and Saturday nights."

"Oh," was all Miwa could say in response.

She and Shaiapouf took their seats and placed their orders.

Miwa was on her third bowl when her phone went off. She slurped her noodles, licking the broth off her lips as she pulled her phone out.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Only three rings. Very nice," purred a sultry familiar voice.

Miwa choked on her spit. "P-Prince Camilla?!"

Months ago, Miwa had encountered a beautiful prince named Camilla. The woman was attacked in York New, and asked for Miwa's contact information afterward. Miwa had never forgotten the gorgeous woman, but she didn't expect to hear from her again. After all, what would a charming prince with a wicked cat nen want with Miwa?

"I've a job for you," she said. "I need a new bodyguard. A fresh face. I want you."

"Bodyguard for what?" asked Miwa, intrigued.

"The royal family is going to the Dark Continent," said Camilla. "All of us. I have good information that not all of us will be returning. I want to ensure I am one of those who make it home."

"Did—Did you say the Dark Continent?" Miwa sought to clarify.

"Yes. Is that an issue?"

"No. Actually, I was wanting to go there myself," Miwa admitted.

"Ah. You'd be free to explore after my safety has been ensured. You would, of course, have all your expenses paid for and I can promise I make... excellent company."

'This seems like a really good chance,' Miwa thought. 'What do you think?'

Wouldn't hurt to go along with it. Something goes wrong, we can always leave.


"Okay," Miwa agreed.

"That's what I like to hear. Be at my palace in the Kakin Empire two weeks from now."

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